
Should i have been invited?

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okay so i started a mini camp with about 8 ppl june 16 and i met this girl who is friends with my friend that i've known for about almost a year and a half. i thought we at least became sort of friends but recently found out she was having party and the past week she has been plastering her party in everyone's face and she was saying stuff like wat music should i have and who should i invite. she invited everyone but me my feelings arent really hurt but i thought i would have been nice if she had invited me wat do u think??????




  1. Awww... That's not really a good friend. You never know, some people may seem like your best friend/an angel one day and the next they'll be stabbing you in the back with a pocketknife. Lol, sorry for the bad analogy. The positive side is she might be making a surprise party for you? XD

    But that would mean she's REALLY bad at keeping a secret if she was plastering it in everyone's faces, including yours.

    Well, I would just ignore her. If she invited EVERYONE except you, there's a very little chance she just forgot about you. Let it go and pretend you never even noticed. OR, get revenge! Go do something SUPER-FUN on the night/day of her party and tell her all about it the next day. She'll be super pissed and think twice before she decides to 'forget' to invite you. Good luckkkk, and don't let her get to you :D

  2. she probably should have, just to be polite.

  3. I think she should have invited you!

    But its her party!

    Ask her why didnt she invite you?!

  4. since she was talking about it in front of you and everyone yea you should have been invited. she's obviously very rude.

    I'd talk to her and tell her that you're hurt that she'd talk about it in front of you, go and invite everyone else and not you.

    very rude though

  5. Ask her

  6. It might be she thinks you don't need an invite because of course you're going. See if there is a way to find out if you are definitely not invited.  

  7. Maybe she only was allowed to invite a certain amount of people. Dont worry, there will surely be plenty of other parties. Maybe she just didnt think that you would have wanted to come.

    Hope that helped!!!! :D

    PLZ answer mine!

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