
Should i have kids or not?

by  |  earlier

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well my boyfriend tells me hes ready to start a family and i mean i want to and everything but i just dont trust him to be by my side 100% like he says and by the way im in the early teens soo i really dont know but he has already asked me to marry him but i just wanna know what you think about having kids

i feel like im ready but im younf so i dont know




  1. I think if you have to ask , then no you shouldn't have kids right now.  you are also  WAY TOO YOUNG to be having kids. you should wait till you are finished with school and college and find a great guy, get married and then do it. Its not all fun and games  being pregnant is hard and being a parent is even harder-even for a grown up!  especially for a teenager!  dont do it!  

  2. a proposal is not a guarentee that he's there forever. ever heard of divorce? your young yet. don't do it until you are 100% ready, got your career going and financially stable. if i had have known back then what i do now then i would have waited. i had 2 babies by the time i was 17, no job, and it was very hard. yes my man stck by me but only on and off, when he couldn't cope, he'd run.

  3. Don't have kids until you're older, maybe married, or until you at least are done with school, have a good job, plenty of money to afford the kid, insurance, your own home, etc.

  4. wait untill your married to have kids

    this guy is immature even if he isnt your age

    you want to use these years doing things your way with out being held down trust me. you want to finish high school, when you turn 18 your gonna want to party, when you turn 21 your gonna want to party harder and travel the world and go to college and best of all date other people

    you dont know if he's the one

    you still gotta search around and i would suggest thats exactly what you do.

    this guys obviously to attached, you need to dump this looser of aat the next exit.

    you should have kids one day far from now. at least when your out of your parents house and are able to take care of a child on your own just incase the guy whose in your life does decide to leave

  5. No, dont have kids soo young..your life is going to become soo hectic..Its not easy being a mother, and enspeically when your not financially stable.

    Tell your bf to go to college and get a career b4 talking nonsense..

  6. no. dont have kids. wait until your married to have kids. because heaven forbid you get pregnant and he freaks out and leaves. he has an easy way out but you dont. also it would be so hard to finish high school and motivate your self to actually go to college if you have a baby. and i think its so important to get a degree so you can support youself later on in life if (again, heaven forbid) you end up by yourself for a while. if he's pressuring you, explain to him that its not his body, its yours that is going to have to be called home to a baby for nine months and have to walk around school in maternity clothes while everyone else looks cute in their forever 21 blouses and prom dresses... and its you who is going to have to go through labor, and its your v****a that is going to have to have a kids head that is way to big come out. ouch... moral of the story, wait!  

  7. kids are 80% work, 20% fun.  from the moment you wake up until you go to bed (and yes they wake you up during the night too), you are full-time parent.  it's hard enough to do it with an involved dad and i can't imagine doing it alone.  think about the dreams you have for your kids.  do they involve having a home of your own, taking them on family vacations?  wait until you can provide your child with these things.  go to college and wait for a guy you CAN count on 100%.  

  8. I am glad you are thinking clear enough to ask this question.  When i was your age i thought i knew it all lol.  Don't let the emotions you are feeling sweep you off your feet. I know they are strong, but you need to have a clear head and be wise.  If this guy really loves you and wants to marry you, then he should have enough love to wait until you guys are older, financially independent, and educated enough to provide a life for your family.  If he can't wait for that, then he doesn't really love you.  True love is selfless, and that is what being a parent is about.  If you put your needs right now ahead of anything else, then you can't expect to be a good parent.  Wait, enjoy being young and having this time together.  Even if you marry this guy and spend the rest of your life with him, you will always cherish these years when you were young and innocent.  Besides, this way you can savor the anticipation of marriage and babies longer =)

  9. NO NO NO.


  10. If you have doubts about him than lose him and definitely don't have kids until you're older and can take care of them.

  11. Wait until you're older and married.   I can't count the number of times I was "in love" as a teenager. Boys come and go.  If you don't 100 percent trust him... trust your instincts (they are usually right!!) and move on.  Whatever you do..don't have kids if you can help it before you get married. Otherwise you risk having a baby's daddy who doesn't pay child support rather than a supportive husband that takes care of you.   The fact that you are even questioning this tells me it's too soon to be married or have kids.

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