
Should i have my tongue pierced?

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ive wanted it done for ages now, i dont have any other piercings except two 0g/8mm in both ears

i dont like facial piercings on me either so a tongue one would be ideal

is it safe to get done though? someone told me a rumour about dyin from it

im sure its a load of rubbish but what are the risks involved?

oh and i can get it done at 17 cant i?

any experience or advice would be welcomed

thank you




  1. if its your style good head and if you dont like it take it out and let it close by itself  

  2. I do not really recomment it. I have never had it done personally, but know some people who have. Unless you are a real clean and cautious person, you can risk getting a tongue infection. There is also a risk of swelling, and you have to wait a long time before eating. Also, employers do not really care for those kinds of things.

  3. go for it if you want it. i think it looks really cool.

    you can only die if they pierce through the vein you have in your tongue.

    any decent piercer will check first to see where the vein in your tongue lies.

  4. I did it at 18 now I am 24 and it's out because you cant keep it in the professional working world. It's your decision, it was a good experience. If properly done with sterilized equipment, there are no risks. You cannot loose your sense of taste etc. I think you need your parents consent for under 18...

  5. I wouldnt personally just cause of it being so annoying when you eat. Sorry if this scares you but my friend got hers done and they done it to far back, and Im pretty sure she had some problems.

    Anyway I wouldnt as I think in the long run you'd have to take it out for work & stuff, but its your choice, you say you've wanted it done for ages so its obviously not spur of the moment.

    Hope I helped

    <3 KTE

  6. if its something u been thinking about 4 ages then it seems ur pretty sure its what u want . dont listen 2 any stupid rumours about dying but if u dont keep it clean u could get an infection so make sure when u get it done u ask them what is the best way 2 clean it . make sure u rinse ur mouth with mouthwash (antibac)

  7. Personally I would advise against getting a tongue piercing. My friend had hers done back in college, a couple of days after she had it done her tongue got really infected and it was very swollen, in the end she had to have it taken out because it caused her that much pain.

  8. They look cool and everything but i dunno, i just couldnt do it :(

    There is a risk of heavy bleeding if a vein is hit. Some bleeding is normal, but a medical professional should be contacted if it cannot be controlled.

    Tooth damage as a result of the wearer "playing" with the barbell by rubbing it along his/her teeth

    The commonest two long-term complications of intra-oral ornament are (1) dental fracture and wear,[1] affecting 14% to 41% of subjects with intra-oral ornaments[3] and (2) recession of gingival tissue[1] affecting 19% to 68% of subjects with intra-oral ornaments.[3] In some cases, the alveolar tooth-bearing bone is also involved, jeopardizing the stability and durability of the teeth in place and required a periodontal regeneration surgery.[4][5]

    [edit] Health Risks reported by the ADA

    1. Severe bleeding or nerve damage: if the needle punctures a blood vessel during the piercing, severe and difficult-to-control bleeding could occur.

    2. Infection: the mouth contains millions of bacteria, and bacterial infection is a common complication from tongue piercing.

    3. Pain: healing time prolonged.

    4. Swelling: the tongue could swell large enough to close off the airway.

    5. Disease transmission: The National Institutes of Health ( has identified piercing in general as a possible vector for blood borne hepatitis (hepatitis B, C, D and G) transmission. In addition, there is risk of other disease transmission such as HIV.

    6. Choking hazard: tongue jewelry could come loose in the mouth creating a choking hazard.

    7. Chipped or cracked teeth: tongue jewelry can chip or crack the teeth.

    8. Enamel loss: tongue jewelry can increase the risk of damage to teeth enamel.

    9. Recessed gums: The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) has reported that tongue piercing increases the risk for recessed gums.

    10. Tooth loss: The JADA has reported that tongue piercing increases the risk for loose teeth and tooth loss.

    11. Scar tissue formation: thick scarring could form at the piercing site.

    12. Speech Interference: tongue jewelry can interfere with speech.

    Thats what wiki says !

  9. I think that they are disgusting.

  10. im 23 and i got it done 6 months ago, and i really recomnend it!!!!

    you have to be 18 to have it done, unless u get a parent to sign an agreement first. I was really sared before i got it done,it hurts wen they put the bar in (tho not really bad)

    there are risks as off with any piercings, there is a small risk of excess bleeding but this is very rare, and the piercer will always/should always check beofre doing the piercing to make sure if this wont be a problem.if u have any questions ask piercer before u have it done, and they should advise you, aftercare is very important as it can be very painful to get this infected, make sure you get a mouthwash and use this 3 times a day for the first month after having it done, and keepit clean,

    also little note that i didnt think about beofr i got mine done --make sure u eat a big meal before u have it done, it took me 2 weeks before i could even eat soup,and stock up on ice cream cause your tongue will swell up a lot, you need to eat as many cold things as possible to get the swelling to go down

    but now mine has settled its really fun, i would tell u to do it by all means, and if u do it ad dont like it you can take it out anyway

  11. I had my tongue done when i was 15, and its fine

    you can eat and drink.

    you can only die if you go to a bad piercer, if you look at your tongue, and have a vein through the middle underneath then dont get it done, otherwise yor fine.

    If you dont like it than it doent scar and will heal up in a few days

    Go for it!!!!

    And lads love it

    *wink* *wink*


  12. No dont get your tounge piercec it hurts so bad and you cant eat any good food for like 2 weeks. and food gets suck in it all the time.


  13. I got mine done a year ago its awesome!

    Do It!

    Do it now.

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