
Should i have s*x with him again?

by  |  earlier

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i been going out with this boy for a night he invited me over while his parents were gone for a couple of hours. we started making out and the next thing you know, my clothes were on the ground and he was on top of me. after i left, i didnt know what to say to him the next day. it was my first time so i was nervous and i didnt really wanta do it. now i think im pregnant cus he "forgot" to use the condom. should i dump him or not?? PLEASE help!




  1. sounds like rape to me if you didnt want to do it....why would you have s*x with him again anyway if you didnt want it in the first place and you might be pregnant....

  2. Find out if you are pregnant. You can get a pregnancy test from almost any store, and you don't get ID'd to buy it. You can even buy it and then use their restrooms, if you don't want to risk your parents seeing it. If you can, you could also go to your local health department for a better test. This MAY cost you a little bit of money, but is usually more reliable than a store bought test.

    If you ARE pregnant, you have some tough choices ahead.

    This is where I disagree with Joe. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT stay with the guy JUST because you are pregnant. EVER. If this ever happens to you, deal with it realistically.  Happy marriages/relationships don't just HAPPEN because a baby pops up. If anything, it makes things worse to stay together out of "obligation". It almost never works out these days, either.  If he's a great guy, etc... fine, great. But your relationship should NOT be founded on this. So the idea of "if you are, stay with him, if you aren't then dump him" is just ridiculous.

    As to whether you should have s*x with him again or not? Only if you are more in control. No more "the next thing you know" and no more "forgot the condom". It is as much YOUR responsibility as it is HIS to "remember" the condom.

    And, if you didn't TELL HIM you didn't want to have s*x, it wasn't rape no matter what some people will suggest.

  3. first find out if you are pregnant because if you are he might deny he is the father if you intend to keep the baby. second if your not you don't just forget to use a condom - he just didn't want to. if you like him and he like you - slow down and enjoy each other first in order to see if your relationship will work. you don't want to give yourself to just anybody do you?

  4. I agree with Joe!

    check yourself and next time just say NO, dont do it again if you feel uncomfortable. he will Respect you for that. any good man will.

  5. don't make excuses for this guy,  When you about to have s*x if he remember to put it in then he should have remember to put something on it.  I don't buy he forgot to put a condom on.  anyway I hope you are not pregnant but you should try to find out ASAP and go from there but you need to talk to this guy about what happened and you need to be truthful to yourself about if this is what you wanted to or you just did it to go along.  You need to be better prepare to handle this and if it is something you want then you need to make sure there is something present that will help you not get pregnant because your the one that will have to go to the trouble of carrying or the trouble of aborting or adoption.  If you want to maintain a relationship with this guy as friends or more like I said you need to talk about what happened and go from there and be better prepared next time.

  6. well you should have used a condom! find out if your pregant first and go from there! If you are than keep him if not dump him! next time be very careful!

  7. it get two hand to get a clap* Since u r unwillingly, why u didnt reject in the 1st place?now dont cry over spilled milk, get yourself a body check! Learn from this incident if everything is fine, if not just mentally prepare yourself in agony situation.

    Dump him if he really up to no good,if not, you should sit down with him heart to heart talk.If he loves u, he will listen and repent.

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