
Should i have the baby shower?

by  |  earlier

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my sister has had two daughters both preemie and one past away she was only 20 weeks. she is prone for preemie babies so should i go ahead and have a shower for her she is 20 weeks? she desperately needs to know what all she has to get because she is on a strict budget with daycare cost and all for her other daughter. she wont find out what this baby is for another week or so which would give us time to get everything me




  1. you should wait until she is at least 24 wks pregnant but yes you should give her a baby shower  

  2. thats sad...... :(

    but i think u should have her a small one  

  3. yes you should have one for her.

  4. do it there are receipts if it happens (god forbid). You can take the stuff back, and if not she'll be more prepared for the baby

  5. oh my this is tough

    i would wait a bit more

    if you are close to your sis and able to talk to her, i would just explain your concerns

    if she's on a tight budget, she will need to start saving regardless right?

    this way she's saving anyway, then the shower can happen a bit closer to the due date

    i'm sorry for your family's loss

    this is tough

  6. Considering her history, I think now would be a good time for you to start planning her baby shower. I would start spreading the word around as soon as she finds out what gender the baby is.

  7. i would say wait to have a baby shower till she has about a month to go. that way you know the baby will make it and no one is spending aton of money on stuff that wont be used.

  8. With her unique situation, and you want to make sure baby is "safe and sound" before having a shower, perhaps wait until after baby is born.  It is perfectly legit to have a "Welcome baby (name) to our family" baby shower after baby has already been born.  

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