
Should i help her trust them.?

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My mom loves horses, but doesn't trust them any more, because she just got hurt by one. The horse fell backwards and my mom was still on so they hit the ground at the same time, and the horse landed on top of her. She's lucky though cuz she only bruised her bone, but didn't break anything. Should I try to get her to trust horses again or no? I need your opinion.




  1. Riding, owning, being around horses is great but also what comes to mind it's not,  "IF" it's always "when" you get hurt, thrown, whatever the case maybe.  Sorry she got scared and happy she'll be fine, and yes I think she should get back into it, just slowly, try to figure out what went wrong, and start from the ground up at your mothers pace.

    It'll take time or it may not.

    Does your mom own horses?  Was is a friends?

  2. Yes but take it slowly. Have her spend some time with horses just on the ground without riding first. How old is your mom? Be sympathetic that when you grow up and get older your bones are easier to break. Sure it didn't happen to her that time but she is probably worried about breaking something next time. If she "just" got hurt by one, which means happened very recently, its natural for her to be scared and not trust them anymore, so give it some time. If its really recent I wouldn't bring it up for awhile.

    Truthfully, nobody should really "trust" horses. By their nature, horses are designed to be scared of things. They are prey animals do don't view the world the same way we do. A horse would rather run off than evaluate a situation. Part of desensitization training is to get them to stop and think a little and trust us before just running off. Plus, accidents do happen like a horse falling backwards, although you don't provide details as to what the situation was. Was the horse spooking on something or did he loose his footing? Sometimes horses can hurt people when they are copping an attitude. One of my horses, who is a great horse that is so-called bomb proof, rolled over on his previous owner because she was asking him to go up on a ledge when he was scared to do it. He ended up breaking her leg. But let me tell you he is a great horse. It just goes to show you can't really "trust" them. Don't ride scared, but be realistic and realize anything can happen with a horse on any given day. So everyone, while enjoying themselves, needs to take horseback riding seriously.

    So what I am saying is confidence is great around horses, but you should always be cautious.


  3. ya you should get your mom to trust horses

  4. Do you ride?  Probably the best therapy would be to have her come out an help you with your horse.  Tell her you need help, be it with a riding problem, or you just need your boots wiped at a show.  Moms love to help their kids and it will also get her out there around horses again.  Talk to your riding instructor, or find a well recommended one (maybe one that has experience teaching adults and building confidence) that has good school horses.

  5. Yes but it all has to be done slowly and at her own comfortable pace. Many people who take falls or have accidents on horses find it hard to get back into the saddle again. A  great thing to try would be to get an older horse or a calm colt for her that she can just start working with on the ground - brushing, round pen work, saddeling, and just getting to know. Then slowly start asking her to get on the horse while you lead it, then try getting her to ride without you leading it (but still close by) in a controled setting like a round pen or indoor arena. Gradually your moms confidence should start to build and the trust will come back. Often the confidence is gone (which caused the distrust) so showing her that the horse did not mean to hurt her and that horse back riding can be fun and safe when done right. Also let her know how much it would mean to you if you could start going riding together.

    My best advice for you would be have patience through all of this, pushing her to go too fast will only slow the process down.

    Good Luck

  6. Well last monday my horse flipped over on me too.. and yesterday I had to get up the guts to ride her again and face the same problem. If your mom is having a trust issue, why don't you start small? Try getting a mini horse to just have fun with. She won't feel pressured to go out and ride it, however it can be just as fun to take care you can teach them tricks, and your mom might even find herslef wanting to take up a new hobby with them, such as in hand jumping, or even driving. Hope this helps!

  7. yeah if she wants to

  8. I think trying to get your mom to trust them is a good idea, horses are such wonderful animals and they didn't mean to hurt her. They have so much to offer. But on the other hand. She has to want to do this or else it won't help. You can't force her into it. Maybe start small, like getting her to pet a horse that is in its stall and then pet a horse outside it's stall, and then lead a horse...just start small, but ONLY if she agrees to it.

  9. Hi,

    Yes i would try to get your mom to trust horses again. The same thing happened to me, a horse fell on top of my mom and broke her pelvic bone. She didn't trust horses for awhile after that, but she did get over it. And i think your mom will to,just put her on a safe gentle horse that will help her regain confidence. .

  10. Personaly, I would try to get her to trust again. One accident, should not ruin her life of the horse world. Horses are amazing, and if she never trusts one again, she will really miss out. Its an amazing feeling to have a horse trust you!

  11. yes i would, u need 2 remind her that it was an accident, the horse didn't try 2 fall on her, the same thing happened 2 me, my mom was riding and it wuz kinda muddy, the horse slipped and fell on top of her, she was nervous around them 4 a while, but i just reminded her that its not like the horse tried 2 fall on her and hurt her, it was an accident, and the horse fell.

  12. Look, you asked this in the horse section where there will only be one type of answer.  However, I agree with Daisy.  You can not get her to trust horses again.  Let her make the first step or it will backfire big time.  When she is ready she will try again, but for now she may simply not be ready yet.  Don't push!

  13. it just takes time, and it wasnt the horses falt iam guessing and i dout the horse trusts her to much right now either, just takes time and bonding with ur animal

    and getting hurt is wat comes with the teritory of riding a horse, i dont kno anyone who hasnt gotten hurt wen riding, its just a question of when its gonna happen

    and the first thing to tust them again is getting back on the horse

  14. If your mom truly loves horses, she'll most likely want to ride again.  You can encourage her, but don't be pesky about it.  What she really needs is a safe, gentle horse that will help her regain confidence.  If she is open to spending time around horses, she will still love them just the same.  Just be supportive, not insistent.

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