
Should i invite my friends to Ireland for the cermony? what will they think of me? Should i live in America?

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Okay so i am a normal american. Most people see me as african american which i am. but i also am irish and cherokee indian. Actually the irish part of my family is royalty. I am a decedent of a family that ruled for centuries. Most people think i am being descrateful to my black heritage but i'm not! i love being black but i at also love my other races! I was treated like a king when i went to ireland. they were so nice to me! Well i found out that there is going to be a huge cermony in formal dress like it was hundereds of years ago. honoring my family's rule. My grandfather told me. he said we are going. I can't wait. i love ireland it is so great. I am a guy by the way. Well my mom told me i could bring my friends. but i'm not sure i want to. I like them alot but i don't know how they will look at me for now on. Knowing that i'm royalty in another country. I'm sure they would come if i asked. but i'm not sure what should i do? What do you think they'll think of me? also i was wondering if i could go live in ireland. I still have family that lives there! In america i get bullied and picked on. But in ireland people love me! but i still love america. What should i do!!!!!!!!!!




  1. ???!!

    As others have pointed out, just about anybody of Irish heritage can lay claim to royal pedigree... it means nothing whatsoever here. It's a nice history to have but it's just that - age old history.

    Save yourself from embarassment and keep quiet about it as others who know will laugh at you and others who don't will think your lying.

  2. You must be having a ****** giraffe!, Dont talk bullshit!

  3. Okay, as people have pointed out EVERYONE in ireland has some sort of ancestor who was royal, if only because they share the same surname. But what you have to realise is that back over two thousand years ago, Ireland was divided into five provinces, these five were divided into smaller sections and each section had its own king, and then there was a high king as well, so there were literally innumerable royal families. I live in the place my family used to rule centuries ago, and lots of the people I know share the same surname as me, but none of us are ever like "Oh I'm descended from royalty." Believe me, everyone is.

    Unless, of course, you're descended from the British royal family, in which case I can't imagine you got such a welcome

  4. I'd ask your friends! but make sure you specify that you don't want them to treat you differently after it. And in terms of moving, go where your heart tells you. If you love America but just want Ireland because of the treatment, i say America. But if you love Ireland just as much, go there and have fun! Good luck!

  5. Mmm ok,if you don't mind me asking who are you descended from.For one thing Ireland has a long,violent history and that history is still very much part of present day life and very real to Irish people.As it is in Scotland where I'm from.

    One word of advice if you ever go to either Scotland,Ireland or Wales and that is never make big statements about your family ancestory or their part in Irish history without a good basic knowledge of the history you're talking about.

    In Scotland,if you're unlucky,you could find you'll getting a good beating if you offend the wrong people,in certain parts of Ireland you could end up knee-capped or thrown into the boot of a car and never seen again !!!.

    In honesty that won't happen to a tourist,tourists are treated with respect in Ireland and Scotland,it's a key industry afterall but you've got to understand these things are felt strongly still.

    The British Army used to patrol the streets of Belfast and the border with Eire from the 1960's until maybe 5 years ago at the most with the intention of stopping the killing and terrorism (very well funded by your own country,I might add - where was the war on terror when catholics and protestants were shooting each other then ??),,och I'm not having a go at you I'm just trying to explain to you that these things go deep over here so you really are advised to know what you're talking about.

    Whoever your ancestors were you'll probably find that they held certain allegencies which have divided almost all the people of Britain through  out our history.Were they for Irish rule or The Crown,protestant or catholic,parliment or crown etc,etc.

    I don't want to put you off but nothing is worse than,and I'm sorry but it's true than a loud American tourist declaring his family comes from Ireland or Scotland and shouting about them,it just makes you seem foolish unless you know a little of what you're talkin about,then you'll find people will actually talk to you for real instead of play the local !!!

    Please though,don't take the whole royalty thing seriously.The one thing that we hate in Scotland and Ireland is someone who believes he is something special,a little bit better than everyone else.

    I know in America money,wealth and power count for so much but in this part of the world we've executed kings,had over 1000 years of the ruling classes.Here there's still a definite 'us and them' feeling about those who think they have the right to rule others and quite rightly so.

    Just don't believe that Royal descent actually means anything anymore.If you're at the ceremony it'll be loud and colourful,a spectacle and everyone will have a good time,a good atmosphere but if you move to Ireland then all I can say is don't shout about it or expect anyone to treat you like something special,tourists are always treated well and forgiven for saying daft things about history but living here is different and there will be people who take offence at that sort of thing.

    I'd take your friends if you want to,they'll only treat you differently if you act differently because of this royalty thing,maybe if you were part of the present Royal family,living in the palaces waited on hand and foot etc then they'd treat you different but that won't happen,the locals will treat you well but you have to realise youre ancestory won't actually mean a very much to them personally so there is no reason for your friends to treat you differently.

    I'd be very interested to know what Royal family you're descended from.

  6. I think you should bring friends. I'd love to go with a friend and wouldn't judge them on it. And if you want to live there, go for it! You're royalty!

  7. Ok.......

    Em....Royalty and Ceremonies


    I'm sure your pulling my leg

  8. Wait a minute, you love america, don't say that. It's not as free as you think. Naw, I'm just messing with you. Your friends are a no go. but living there is a big deal. If you like it there then you should. but you have to think about this one o your own. girls love a Gaelic ascent, (well i do anyway)here in America, but your right, it rocks in Ireland, so think it out.

  9. ha ha ha ha ha ha, Your Majesty, you honour us meagre irish people with your precence, in Ireland when people are "nice" to you in a "have a good day, american way" its because we think your special, and not good special, special as in ' hey this guy is kinda special i think we should just smile and nod', let me tell you one thing about Irish Royalty nobody gives a f**k, infact an american who was tracing her ancestry knocked on my grandfathers door to say we were all direct decendants of  King Murtagh, well yoop de doo, it doesent mean sh*t, come to Ireland and enjoy yourself but being of "irish Royalty" means squat if ya think thats your claim to fame ok

  10. As an irish person who lives in ireland i am laughing at the fact that you think you are irish royalty.

    No irish person will ever bow to royalty. They are having a laugh at your expense.

    My god every person who lives in Ireland can claim they are descendants of royalty (see niall of the nine hostages) a high king that was prolific in bed. Just like every person in mongolia can claim to be descendants of Genghis Khan.

    As for your friends you better not bring them to save yourself the embarrassment of being just another tourist with a outlandish claim.

    You are not the first to claim you are descendants of royalty.

    If you were descendants of royalty why did you leave ireland? Royalty generally tends to stay in the one place

  11. Sorry to burst your special mythical bubble, there is no Royal family in Ireland. I don't believe that you were treated like a King.

    If, by any chance, you were related to the rulers of Ireland you would most likely be of English descent. In case you didn't know, until the 1900's Ireland were ruled by Britain. Britain ruled for 800 years. There's still a lot of resentment.

    So unless you're convinced you're descended from some mythical family who ruled over 900 years ago, I think someone might be lying to you.

    Much as the Irish love tourists, walking into a room and announcing that your ancestors ruled this country could get you hurt.

    As far as I know, there hasn't ever been one Irish royal family. I may be wrong, I'm not an expert, I'm relying on basic history.

    Edit: My dad corrected me. Apparently a High King ruled over Ireland. But the last High King ruled during the 12th century. Accurate record weren't kept in Ireland back then so tracing your family back 900 hundred years is probably impossible.

    Edit 2: Confirming what a lot of other people said. According to my history teacher just about every Irish surname is connected to Royalty.And most people have Royal blood. But no one cares.

    Maybe in  a country ruled by a monarchy it might mean something but in Ireland. No way!

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