
Should i join a russian fight club or stay away from it?

by  |  earlier

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there is a club called the rfc, im looking for a place were i can learn to fight better, i dont know any of them personally but i wanna cheak it out. Should i come there and join or stay away.

here are some youtube vids they posted.




  1. this is underground fighting man, no safety, no knowledge of how to fight. You might as well go out on the street and start a fight. You wanna die or be paralized go for it. I suggest find a local MMA gym and learn how to fight for real

  2. join so you get ur head kicked in

  3. Do what you feel it right?  Don't risk your life on it though.

  4. from the looks of it no. they were undisciplined and didn't know how to fight. go to a real mma gym and learn there.

  5. if you don't mind getting hurt and you can take a hit good go for it

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