So like all the other questions on here about MEPS and Medical history, should i Lie? My Recruiter told me like everyone else, they cant find out about something unless YOU tell them.I was put on ritalin when i was in elemetary and such because of my bad behavior and lack of attenion in school.I also was told i had ADHD and Asthma.My Mom's been recieving indivual -Disabilty checks up to my 18th Birth day(im 18 now) but here's the twist, i wasnt even aware of this ****..I havent been on medication or anything since like 5th grade for the ADHD and Asthma.i've worked at a job for over two year's while attending about to start my senior year of high school with a GPA of 3.33 and im taking Pre-calc and Physics because i maintained an "A" average in Algebra 2 all last year.With all this said im very worried about going to MEPS and be turned down for something i wasnt aware of until now.I've done all the paper work and i just need to make the Appointment and wait to p**s clean.i've also smoked pot for the past 2 years(just quit 2 weeks ago) i've even quit for 6 months 5'8 and weigh 126.Im in shape and looking forward to a challenge during Boot camp.and for all the people who are gunna leave me something saying im a drugie,your an a*****e......thanks , Travis