
Should i join the highschool swim team?

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im going to be a sophmore this year and i want to join somthing.. i tried track and soccer but they just arent for me.... i never tried swimming;; i have been swimming all my life and can usually beat people when i race them for fun. i have never been on a team but i think i might enjoy it... what are some tips & advice or anything that can help me out.. thanks!




  1. swimmings a lot of but its all about dedication. in my high school swimming means 6 AM practices, and then more practices after school, these are 2 hour practices, you really bond wiht your team mates and make a lot of friends but swimming isn't the relaxing sport you might think of. its tough. if you know all four strokes it might help you make the team. on my team its really hard to get in, and tryouts are tough, but idk about your school. i would try jogging and maybe hitting the weight room with a couple of pals to get into shape before tryouts or practice. you can't be out of shape when your swimming competitively.


    Do not miss practice and ask the Coach any questions you have .  

  3. yes swim teams are a lot of fun!

  4. I joined my HS swim team my freshman year and loved it!

    Expect a lot of long, hard practices.  But it's worth it.  You will be in great shape, there is little chance for serious injury, and it's fun.

    Good luck.

  5. Yes, you can meet so many people that will help you and you get go to some different schools in your area. There is nothing to lose.

  6. Go for it, you'll make friends and do something you're good at and enjoy.

    What's to lose?! =]

  7. Yes it's great exercise. What else is there to do in winter. Plus cute guys in speedos. They'll be some great swimmers But someone is always better. Thats how records get broken.  Try practicing now for when it starts. You'll do great!!!!

  8. being on a team will be on more difficult then just swimming against a friend but swim a bunch, practice and go for it

  9. If you have had fun swimming in the past, then you should definitely join the swim team!

    Since you were never on a team, you may not have the best technique, but you can research some tips on the internet and your swim coach will probably give you some advice, too.

    If you don't have very strong arms/shoulders then you should go to the gym and lift some weights because arms are the biggest muscle you use in swimming; however, your legs, abs, and back also play a part in swimming.

    It will probably difficult at first, because unlike running, even if you are in shape, you can't just naturally be really good at since your technique plays a huge role in how fast you swim.

  10. Yes, Just try your hardest! You'll do fine.

  11. be prepared to work hard.  From what ive experienced in doing many diffrent sports in High school swimming was the hardst but yet the most rewarding so go for it but be ready for the steep climb ahead.

  12. yes

  13. well if you can swim all the stroke pretty well go for it but its alot of practice all the time in mornings some times....before school

  14. definitely try!  You can get fast relly quick if you're motivated.  It'll be lots of fun!

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