
Should i join the military? (yes or no, if so why?)?

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please help. (people with experience would help)

I'm really considering joining either the navy, or Air force. mainly navy because of more knowledge of. I'm not considering the marines or army.

I'm 18 and i have my high school diploma. i have no car, and of course no job. my parents have a car, but don't let me use it because of insurance reasons. their very lazy and not dependable for taking me to work due to various reason such as financial reasons ( like the gas money excuse) and just pure reliability. we live in the middle of nowhere so walking or biking (even if i had one) is not an option. so with that said the picture is pretty much me staying at home everyday, doing nothing, kinda like a vegetable. btw i pretty much hate living here. for a TON of reasons that i think would just drive any 18 year old insane, i could go on for ever so I'm not even gonna go there.

so with that said does the navy sound like a good option? does anyone have any good experiences with the navy actually paying for your college?( because that would be great). i don't wanna have to move back in with my parents when i get out, i wanna be able to pursue a career and move on with my life.

thank you.




  1. I'm in the Air Force have been for 10 years.  If you enlist in the AF you will get credit toward an associates degree just by going through basic training and then learning your job, you'll have to take a few courses to complete the requirements or you can take some CLEP tests which are free to take while your serving and gain credit that way too.  If you decide to pursue a bachelors degree after wards you can take courses online or at a local college and the military will pay for it with Tuition Assistance up to $4500 a year, you'll have to pay for your books out of pocket though.  Also make sure to sign up for your GI Bill, which will pay for your college education if you decide to get out after your enlistment and depending on where you live, some states provide free tuition for veterans at state colleges.  

    Hope this me if you have any other questions.

  2. Absolutely. The Navy will help your problem of not getting out of the house for sure. It will take you all around the World! They will pay for your college also, it will more than likely be online college but it's a degree no matter which way you look at it. Some online colleges such as Northwood offer military leave which is great. Sounds like you're tired of where you live and tired of your life and ready to try something new. Go Navy you'll love it.

  3. wow 16 years ago i was in the same boat for the most part. i joined the navy and loved it. seen 3/4 of the world on the uss ashland lsd 48. when i tell you it was great that is no lie. it isn't for everyone you need to understand you need to be able to listen and follow orders if you can do that you will love it. make sure you get a C school not just a A school. the recruiter will s***w you if you let them so knowledge is power if you have any questions i can help you with my email is

  4. I keep kicking my self for leaving the AF. I'd be sitting pretty had I stayed in. 20 yrs. sounded like such a long time then; now I would have been retired for 26 yrs. Even then I had a lot of good times.

  5. If that the only choice you have then go for it for your best advantage. You will definitely be better in the future. You'll get money for college and it would help your career path. Sometimes you gotta do then you gotta do. Make sure you are prepared for all the physical training and discipline.

  6. What do you have to offer the military?  You have to realize that you are there to serve the will of the President of the United States and defend the Constititution.  Your needs come second.  Not trying to preach, just trying to give a dose of reality.  To many join for the benefits instead of joining for service to their country.  If you want a career in the civilian world, either the Navy or the USAF is the way to go, but any branch is a good branch.  I hope the decision you make is the right one.

  7. My husband is in the Air Force and feels like it is a wonderful choice for young people.  Not only did he want to serve, he used the military as a way of escaping a very bad homelife.  He is so glad he did.  It gave him the chance to become the wonderful man he is.  Service to your country is a great honor and my husband has never regretted his decision.

    Think it over carefully but you can do amazing things with the experience you'll gain.  They will pay for college, but remember that can't be the only reason you join.  You need to believe in service and self sacrifice.  I think the Navy and Air Force are the best choices but of course I'm partial to the Air Force! ;-)  

  8. you should really get a job, make some money and talk to a reliable source. you shouldnt ask yahoo answers for suggestions for your future. dont just stay home all day and dream about the outside world. take some action. i suggest you move out and get a job.

  9. You should join because Bush and the family values Republicans need idealistic young people like you to fight and make the world safe for the oil business. The share holders will thank you as you get your balls blown off for nothing while their kids are partying, not worrying about a draft because of the kindness of kids like you.

  10. No one can make that decision for you.  I'll tell you this my little brother who is in his thirties will be able to retire before his 40th birthday.  I'm 52 and it will be at least 10 more years before I can retire.

    While he's got to survive his 5th and latest trip to Iraq.  

    He joined the Navy when he was 17 and has traveled around the world.  Not much time with the family but we all look forward to his visits.

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