
Should i just forget about her? please help me -- 10points for best answerr. (:?

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alright, so there are 5 girls in this thing. including me. 2 of them started to be really, really rude to the other three and they started changing and hanging out with creepy people who they barley know from different school districts because they "hate the people in our town" (strange enough they live in it?)

then those 2 started to become extremely close and blow us 3 off to spend time with those other school people.&& they just say really unnecessary things like "hey, best friend!" or "best friend, lets go to the bathroom" really 3rd grade stuff like that.

so one of my friends (involved in the 3) posted pictures on her myspace of us 3 at a concert (they reason why the other 2 wernt there was because they dont like the band .. ) and then put as her mood "eww, that makes my eyes burnn!" and the other one "a little too much ___ " (&& we are NOTTT ugly people. at all)

the second one im on an okay level with (just got off the phone with her) but that first one is totally fake because i talked to her earlier today before i knew what happened on myspace (not allowed to have onee) and we had a pretty good talk about our group drifting apart.

&& the best part is -- those 2 are bringing their "other school district friend" to our towns football game tomorrow.

please help mee(:

us 3 dont know what to do ..


wrong category, i knoww, it wasnt getting answered in its proper category. deal with it(:




  1. People change. Friends drift apart. I think you should just let them go and enjoy the friends you have. As for the myspace comment, your friend can delete it or set it to where she has to approve the comments before they're posted.  

  2. First ask them about the the Myspace if they give u a bad answer like beating around the bush or not giving u a good enough answer than just ditch them.  Dont bother with fakies they just will just bring down everyone down.  and for any other problems u have with people just confront them about ur problems with them.  and at the football game just dont sit next to or near them just let them be with the people they "enjoy" being with and this maybe a totally skeptical wrong view but maybe the friends from the other town are like the other 2's like drug dealers(totally skeptical i live in a pretty messed up place=)) anyway keep ur friends close but make sure u know they are your real friends. email me for any other questions( trying to think of anything i didnt answer if there is anything else u want answered email me.  Ive been told i give good advice i want ur opinion.

  3. well if i was you i would forget them. but like how could you be friends with them after they treated you like that? that kinda happened to me like one of my bestfriends started acting really weird and stuff and so my friends and i just like talked to her and told her why we were like really mad at her and stuff and then we said that after what happened it would be better if we werent as close as we were it would just be awkward. but we still talk and stuff we just arent like "hey! wanna hang out tonight?!" we are just like hey whats up in the hallways in school or something like that.

    well i hope i helped

    hope everything works out(:

  4. i would forget about them go on with your life

  5. Ok, they are being b words.  Forget about them, this means don't call them on the phone, don't gossip about them with your other friends, just forget about them.  If they call you, go ahead and take the call, but just make it brief and try to cut down on the talk time so that eventually the calls will stop.  When you see them at the ballgame, go ahead and smile and say hi, but keep walking, don't be rude just don't make a point of it.  Also, don't sit by them.  Please don't make any of this obvious, you need to just slowly break off your friendship, cause apparently it doesn't mean that much to them, except they can make fun of you on myspace--the sooner the rest of you move on the better, good luck.

  6. it may sound hard but move on, she is obviously a 2 faced *****. obviously dont forget about her, but have some fun with the friends you still have, if things dont work out with her new friends she will come crawling back and you will have the upper hand. be strong and get on with your life.

  7. If these girls are being like that then there is no reason why you  would want them around. as you grow up people are going to come in and out of your life. close friends will find other friends and there is nothing you can do about it. First if this girl is being ugly and saying mean things on your myspace just delete her and block her. and then make your profile private so they can't get on. You shouldn't have to deal with that stuff. If they are bringing other friends to the game, that is really out of your control. this is the part of finding new friends. just enjoy the friends you have and enjoy your life. don't let anyone make you feel this way. Hope it all works out.

  8. Life is far too short to get involved in this junior high / high school drama.  Just get over.

  9. well it is really up to you no one else  

  10. Good luck. They don't sound like good people and maybe they will get better if they ever grow up, but I would kill em with kindness - be the decent, kind, friendly people you are, but don't go out of your way to hang out with them, call them, etc. - confronting them seems pointless, they don't seem like they would understand or care that they are mean people. I would back off, be nice when you see them or they call you, but don't go out of your way to be friends with people who treat you like that.

  11. First, people drift apart. It's a part of life. You can't talk someone out of wanting to be friends with someone. They have a right to be friends with whoever they want. If they are making fun of you, I can't really understand your question as you have many grammatical errors, just be a big girl and ignore them. I assume you are in high school? That's part of it. Understand it now. It wont change.

    Second, that is pretty rude of you to say "wrong category, i knoww, it wasnt getting answered in its proper category. deal with it"

    Even if it was stated light-heartedly. You are asking us for help. Respect us.

  12. You writing makes it hard to follow.  Lots of errors.  Why do you have to worry about what they are doing?  This sounds very immature and foolish.  Do your own thing and ignore them and their comments.  If they choose not to be friends than this is their lose not yours.  Be the adult in this situation and act like they don't exist and blow off the comments as those of immature children.  

    You can be better than them just by not stooping to their level.  Have fun at the game with your real friends and let them have fun with their new friends.

  13. if you have to ask , then yes

  14. d**n thats long

  15. well if your group is starting to drift apart and EVERYONE in it is not as close as they used to and people are just here and there in other gorups just move groups that has happened \to me where my friedsn backstab other friends where they are all of my friends but they ecide to backstab my closes friend out of all of them and i move and it is hard but you just have to get over these things i was at school and my best friend had to move but after she was gone i didn't know what to do and i was confused and didnt know who my real friedsn where but now everything is fine i have much more friends since then i have had it happen to me more then once i have changed like to 4 groups no joke lol and it just keeps on getting better new things and new people and just the brand new experience if you know what i mean so if you need to talk to someone just talk to me ok i think that i could help you out a little bit because i have kind of had this same thing happen to me so yer i hope that i helped you

  16. uhhh, so Myspace broke up the friendship.

  17. i didn't have the patience to read in-depth

    but from what i got from that:

    your friends are b*****s, dump them.

  18. did u try confronting her about the comment? for all you know, it could have been her little sister who wrote the comment while she was on the phone w/ u. give her a second chance. but it if a similar thing happens, dump her!

    as 4 bringing the other kids, y don't u turn that negative into a positive? i think u could become friends w/ their new friends.

  19. I've had friends like that.  In grade 7 we were friends, and then at the end she started hanging out with people from all over town.  In grade 8 she started saying things like "People at [insert school name here] are so fake!  You all dress the same and are rich snobs", while she went around dressed the same as all of her new "cool" friends.  Then the boys started wearing really tight pants (like Jonas Brothers tight).  Things jstu kinda went downhill in our class from there.  The other people would come to our school and smoke and talk loudly outside of it disrupting everyone.  The sad thing is they were 12 and 13 at the time.  They give all 14 year olds a bad name :(

    I would say ditch them.  They sound fake and you don't want to get involved with them incase they start to get into bad things like drugs and drinking.

  20. The other 2 girls are trying to make you feel less superior than them and guess what you three are letting them. You tell people how to treat you. You 3 actually in reality have the upper hand. Why don't you start blowing the 2 off. why do you even need them it sounds like they treat you 3 as less. I would talk with the other 3 since you are open about it and do not even sit next to the 2 and her friends have fun and laugh and do not even act like it bothers you 3 girls. It would be different if you were in this alone but you are not. Us ur support group.

  21. Okay.....first of all, obviously if they left an unnecessary pic comment of yall then they are NOT your quit pretending like you still like THEM and tell them to quit pretending to like YALL!! I sounds to me like yall are ALL fake....Now what ya need ta do is take the s****. one by the head and beat her be-hind to tha floor....Then Let your other two take care of the rest!! Okay hun?!! Dont let ANY female direspect you and play you like that...cuz then you are just giving them permission to step on yalls toes!!! I mean you dont have to fight them but....WOW do SOMETHING!! Maybe YOU should go find yourself some nicer gurls to hang around....some ride-or-die chicks....okay...good luck hun.

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