
Should i just go to the hospital?

by  |  earlier

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I have a cyst on the back of my neck and it's kinda big. They made an appointment for me to get it removed on the 20th of August, but that's too long. There isn't anything sooner then that either. Should i just go to the hospital? It hurts and it's hard for me to sleep. I can't really see it because it's on the back of my neck but my husband says it big and red.




  1. You sure it's a cyst and not a bug bite? I've seen multiple people confuse them.

    With that said, what type of cyst is it because that will really determine my answer. Are they going to surgically remove it, or will they just be popping it and sterilizing the area?

    EDIT: Simply call your doctor and talk to him to find out whether or not it is possible to have an earlier appointment setup. Often times if they hear that something is negatively affecting your life they will be willing to try and work with you to setup a sooner date. If this doesn't work you could try going to another doctor or surgeon; honestly it's not too much longer to wait. Take some tylenol or IBUProfen to help with the pain and apply some heat.

  2. Put some hot compresses on it.It may be getting ready to burst and

    that would help it open up and drain. You still will have to have

    the cyst removed but this will get rid of the pain. The hospital will

    do nothing for you and you would be wasting your time. This is not

    a big emergency that has to be done right away and I doubt even if

    you phoned the doctor now they would move up your surgery date.

  3. go to the hospital emergency and inform them that from the check  up date started hurting u more

  4. call 911 an tell them your dieing!!!! hurry!!!!!

    before its too late

  5. Call the doctor again and tell them how it is affecting you. See if the surgeon has any emergency appointments to fit you in before your appointment date.  If you just show up to the hospital your bill may not be covered if it is not deemed a critical problem by the ER staff, so check your insurance coverage before you go if thats what you decide to do.

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