
Should i keep a chef who cooks well, but not at all puntual at work but has served the prime minister&celebs

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i am going to start a restarant,i have got a gr8 chef but he is not at all punctual&another chef who is very puntual but cooks ok?whom should i choose?




  1. I would tell the great chef that punctuality (or lack thereof) will not be tolerated, and insinuate that you are considering several other great chefs for that position. That may get you where you want with him. I would keep the other chef's number in the Rolodex, though, just in case the better chef doesn't work out.

  2. you don't want your meals to be late ... lots of complaints ... look for another chef that is punctual and good ... there are a lot of chefs out there.

  3. This guy has you wrapped around his finger. He knows you could create publicity with people knowing his tie with cooking for stars. However how tardy is he? If it is more than 20 min, you may want to find someone else, someone who does it for the love of cooking not for the glamour. The people who have passion will be on time!! However you don't wantto settle for a cook that is just ok, re open the job, this is your company you want it to have smooth saling!!

    Best of luck!

  4. sounds like the great chef is a little to up himself, don't sound like he will change! better to have a good chef that will get food on the plates of paying customers than a great chef that cannot deliver.

  5. the puncual one. no use in having someone who can cook that isn't there. Besides, the other one will learn over time.

  6. Well this may sound crude, but who he may or may not work with affects you how? What I mean to say is that the more exclusive the chef the less punctual they are. How impotent is that to you? One thing that you can always do is learn how to cook at that level you know. You have to figure out this puzzle out yourself grasshopper! Good luck

  7. If you don't want your restaurant to close down just because of the problem of a popular chef coming late,then you'd better remove him.The other chef cooks ok...So time will make him become a better cook.Don't worry.

  8. If you really feel that you need him, tell him you are starting an hour earlier than you actually are. He will end up being on time or assign one of your other employees to baby-sit him.


  10. i would not pick the on that is not punctual he probably thinks he is all that

    Pick the one that you can work with who ever has the best personality and can mesh well with you

  11. Can you choose both? The one who isn't so great at his meals can pick up some tricks from the chef who is late. Then, if the chef who is late doesn't work out - you can let him go.

    If this isn't an option - hire the one who cooks better. A restaurant brings people in because of the good food. Maybe you can talk to him about being late.

  12. id go with the chef that cooks ok but is punctual what good is a great chef if he isnt there to do the cooking when the customers are hungry and besides the other one can grow with experience practice makes perfect give him or her a shot and knock the other one down a few pegs this person obviously thinks they are too good for reg folks anyway to be like tht let him cook for the celebs and prime minister they can sit and wait for thier meals while your customers are happy and full

    best of luck with your new business

  13. You said the first chef has cooked for celebs and for the prime minister.... His problem is that he thinks that he is too valuable and he will never be let go.  Fire Him.

  14. Keep the one that shows up, the other is a prima donna, dump him. A person's cooking and or culinary skills can always be improved upon.

  15. It all depends on how much the punctuality issue is likely to harm your business.  If he is one of those people who operate on his own clock, but always gets the job done, then consider yourself lucky and hire him.

    If his lack of punctuality is indifference to the performance of his job, pass him by.

  16. IMPO, employees who aren't punctual and reliable are more problems than they are worth, no matter how well they work when present. You have to judge for yourself whether the problems caused by his 'no show' habit are worth the prestige of having his name associated with your enterprise.

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