
Should i keep feeding my cat chips?

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My cat is weird. Whenever we have chips in the house, he wants some. We give him some, but in little bits. A few weeks ago, i gave him a cheeto and he threw up. What should i do?




  1. Your cat probably cant handle chips then. It all depends on the cat. My cat's love chips and they can eat them without throwing up. They have been eating them since they were 2 and now their 7 and their fine. But, maybe your cat can't handle chips.  

  2. stop the feeding of chips i say they have salt and there are very greasy

    and have all sorts of bad stuff for cats in them so please stop feeding your cats chips even though he wants them  

  3. they cant digest it right. some cats stomachs are more sensitive than others.  

  4. My cat loves chips too, but the salt is really bad for them.  Also she got one one day and didn't chew it up very well and it choked her.  So I would avoid giving him chips.  

  5. no that is a really bad idea not only are the chips not good for the cat and his organs but most of the time cats don't chew small peaces of food which can make him choke or cut his throught sounds wierd but it happed to my cat so stop feeding the cat chips and his p**p smells bad too agggggggg omg well goodluck with your cat!

  6. No mo' cheeto's.

    Overall, chips in general are not a good treat for the kitty. Just as they are not good for you... they are even less good for your cat.

    My cat just sat here and pawed at me asking for sunships, but I had to turn him away. No chippies for the kittes.


  7. If he threw up, then that is very bad for his health, because it means that there's an ingredient in cheetos that makes him sick, even tho he likes them. Its very unhealthy for him, and if he keeps eating chips then he'll just keep throwing up, and he might get really sick.

  8. No, chips are not good for cats.

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