
Should i keep my earplugs in during the entire flight so that my ears do not pop?

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Should i keep my earplugs in during the entire flight so that my ears do not pop?




  1. no it wont make any diffrence you should just lett your ears pop and be done with it.

    or you could untill they depreasurize the plane and deborde

  2. No this will not work. It is extremly loud in C-130's and C-17's, military planes, so we have to wear ear plugs. However, our ears still pop. Peanuts and small munchies are good since for some reason, swallowing unpops your ears a bit.

  3. I have never tried ear plugs.  I chew gum and that helps.  If your ears pop anyway, or you feel like they need to pop, you can hold your nose, then try to blow air out of your nose while you are holding it.  This will make your ears pop, and I usually feel a lot better.

  4. I used a nasal spray the last time before I went on a plane (not sure if they still let you take them, but you can use it beforehand) and then chew gum! I think if you use the earplugs while ascending and descending that should help.

  5. for some people it works... go ahead try it

  6. umm yea duh

  7. while u r in the air u will not feel anything but when u land u should put them bac on

  8. yea you could do that or chew gum that helps

  9. it doen't matter if you are wearing earplugs because your ears are still going to pop. i find sucking a sweet helps to release any air that is trapped

  10. No! Your ears need to "pop" to egualize the air pressure inside and outside your ears.

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