
Should i keep streching and icing it?

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the back of my thigh has been hurting me during my soccer tournament.. today in soccer a girl kneed me right in the back of it and i just collapsed because the pain shot up my back so im not sure if i should just keep i ing and stretching it so i need help on what to do to make it feel better if you can help and provide good answers i will best answer you






  1. alternate between ice for  20 minutes and heat.  Using heat will help stretch out the muscles. and the ice will reduce any swelling. stretching is always a good idea. don't push it too much you may have pulled the muscle. if it is still really sore in the morning visit your trainer at school. Good Luck.

  2. If it is a sore or strained muscle, ibuprofen and ice for swelling, heat for stiffness.  Alternate treatments as needed for relief.  Stretching should be kept to a minimum and only as the level of discomfort allows.  Do not push it, it needs some time to heal.  Take it easy for a few days.

    If it is a deep tissue bruise or torn tissue, you need to see a doctor to get proper treatment.  Probably a steroid treatment and rest.

    Best advice I can give is to take it a little easy, wrap your leg to provide extra support when you need to use it, and keep the swelling down. Need to have good circulation for the muscle to heal properly.  If it doesn't improve in the next few days or if the area is warm to the touch, reddened, or discolored, go see your doctor.

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