
Should i keep the baby ?

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im only 15 years old and im pregnant. despite what my parents say, its still my baby. i really wanted to know if i should keep the baby or actually abort it. i know its a bad thing to do, but i really need to know if its good for me to keep this baby at this age or not.

NOTE: please do not tell me that " aborting is murder" because i know that and i dont need people to tell me && saying that im stupid for getting pregnant at this age.




  1. It's up to you in the end. I hope you make whatever decision that is best for you. Don't let other people pressure you either way... just do what you feel is right.


    you will feel soo much regreat if you murder it

    i got pregnat my senior year of high school

    it was hard

    but you can do it!

    theres homes and palces to go

    you can get a job

    you can do it!

    pleaseee i beg you dont get a abortion thats horable

  3. I think that you should get in touch with a teen mother, or alternative high school program that has other young mothers in your situation. Then you could go talk to them and they would be able to give you insight on what you should do because they know the full responsibilities required.  You could also look into adoption, there are other choices beside just keeping it and abortion.

  4. If you don't want the abort the baby, and you think you won't be able to give the child enough care, then maybe a relative could take the child in for you, otherwise you could always consider adoption.

  5. You say that you don't have the heart to give your baby life... but you have the heart to take it's little life away..?  Your parents will come around eventually and they have to support you no matter what unless they decide to give you up as a ward of the state.  You won't need too much help taking care of a baby... not from your parents anyway as long as you do it right.  Have your baby... I had my daughter at 18.  Legal... yes... but only 3 years older than you which is NOT a huge difference.  I made it.  I am 21 now and she is 3.  Get yourself on government help and use public transportation to get around if your parents won't help.  There are many ways around it... but sweetheart I can assure you that your child is worth every bit of struggle, worry, and doubt.

  6. oh hun, i am so sorry your parents do not want you to keep that baby, But if you want to it is your choice. what about the babies dad? and his parents, they might want you to keep it and would let you live with them. Or maybe once your parents see the baby they will love it, because it will be part of them to.  There are so many ways for you to go out and get help to support yourself, and to finish high school. learn your options. Good luck, abortion is something you will always regret, because you will think of the baby you could of had.

  7. having a baby is hard work. I'm 27 and i;m exhausted. first of all, pregnancy comes with alot of aches and pains. then newborns are exhausting.  I havent had a good night sleep since my baby was born. are you ready for that?

    you should consider adoption.  didn't you see juno? you can choose the parents yourself and you can choose to be in the baby's life or not. I know a girl that gave her baby for adoption adn she gets updates and pics of her son all teh time.

    but if yuo are set on keeping hte baby, make sure you have people that love and support you. believe me, i know how mych it hurts when your parents arent supportive. my mom wanted me to abort my daughter and i was 26! jsut cause i wasnt married. seh gave me such a hard time and treated me liek seh hated me. now she adores my daughter  

  8. I am a adpotive mom. Please dont get rid of that precious child. There are so many good people wanting babies that cant have them. Think of the child and not you, dont be selfish. You should have thought about these  things before you got pregnant.

  9. I say abort, it's not the end of the world, and if you are even considering abortion, the longer you wait, the more it's going to cost you.  The earlier the better.  You are still young, this can just be a lesson for you since you are sexually active, that you need to see an ob/gyb for some sort of birth control, so you can wait to have a baby when you're ready.  

    You're not even old enough to work (if so just barely) I know children are a blessing, but if you have the baby it's going to be a burden on you, but more so you're parents.  Do you belive in your heart that you would be an outstanding parent, at the age of 15?  That's why there are options out there if you choose not to keep the baby.  Abortion is a choice that you have to make, for those who don't agree in abortion, just choose not to have one yourself, for everyone else it's THEIR choice

  10. KEEP THE BABY, age is only a number!!!  At this point, any decision that you make will affect your life FOREVER, so you have to dig deep inside your heart and decide which decision you can live with.  If you abort it, you can't go back and get it.  If you give it up for adoption, you will live your life wondering where it is, how it is and looking at every child wondering about yours.  Obviously keeping it is the best option because life is going to be difficult regardless, so why not have someone who will always be with you, love you no matter what and make you stronger.  You're going to have to work hard to support yourself anyway, so keep your baby, stay in school, go to college, get student loans, financial aid, and any other financial assistance programs that you can find to help you along the way, so you can get a good job.  Find a crisis pregnancy center and go to them for support, they will help you with maternity clothes, diapers, baby furniture, baby clothes, and formula.  Get on WIC to stay healthy during your pregnancy. MAKE SURE YOU GET PRENATAL CARE and take your prenatal vitamins regularly so you can have a healthy baby.  Don't let anyone tell you what to do with your body or your baby.  If the dad isn't supportive, cut him off and find a support group at a local church, clinic or the hospital where you're going to deliver the baby.  There is so much support out there for you if you look for it.  Their are even residential homes for teenage mothers where you can live with your baby and they will help you with daycare while you go to school.  Google residential facilities for teenage mothers.  There's one in Indianapolis, Indiana called St. Elizabeth's, call them and ask them to help yo find one close to where you live.  The only other choice you have is to get rid of it and have it haunt you for the rest of your life!!!!!  Stay positive and you can make it.

  11. You could always give the baby for adoption.  You could also try taking care of the baby yourself.  I know you said your parents don't want to help, but that may change.  Right now they are angry at the situation of having a teen who got pregnant, but when the baby comes along, they may help out.  Babies tend to be irresistable, especially to grandparents  :)

  12. only you  can make that choice.

    its a tough one . but you are 15.

    a baby is a miracle that can bring joy to your life,when your ready .

    but having a child now would end your childhood. once you are a mother you are a mother forever.its a lot of responsibility. and a lot of work . you wont be able to finish school, hang with your friends , go to parties or proms. or even get a nights sleep. you'll have money problems , meses to clean up ,no time to do the things you want to do.

    you need to think long and hard before you make your decision.

    good luck hun.


  13. It totally your choice, If you are going to stay with the father of your child and know you can supprt the baby and give it all he wants n needs then keep it!

    But if the father cant look after then you should get an abortion and mayeb try when your a little older, i had my baby when i was 18 and even then it was a struggle for me!

    Hope it helps and goodluck, your parents will be suportive of whatever you choose

  14. Only you can decide what to do.  If you do decide to keep the baby there are al ot of programs out there that will help you with the costs, babysitting so you can stay in school, maternity clothing,  pretty much everything you need.  There is nothing wrong with taking help from the government until you get on your feet.  I know some people are against it but if it means you can keep your baby and give him or her a good life then why not.   Your parents may also change there minds once they see the baby and how responsiblele you are being.  If it hasn't been that long sence you told them they may just need some time to adjust.  Listen to your heart and do what you think is best because you are the one that is going to have to live with your decision.

    If you need any info on what programs to sign up for email me and I will help you out as much as I can.

  15. if you have  a good support system in place maybe have the child and put it up for adoption if you can find a parent ahead of time it will make it much easier. I would not recommend having the child and trying to raise it yourself.

  16. I would say that as long as your parents already know and you are not hiding it from them, give the baby up for adoption.  It will have a better life than you can give it at 15.  There are so many couples struggling with infertility that would love to have a baby.  I am 28 and have a 4.5 month old.  I can't imagine doing this when I was 15.  Its the most challenging, draining, exhausting thing I have done and I have a PhD in Molecular biology.  If you felt like it'd be hard to give the baby up, you could look into open adoptions.  When you get older and have a better understanding of life, you'll know you made the right decision.  You may regret having an abortion and you may resent your child if you have to give up your own childhood to raise him/her.  Adoption is my vote.

  17. consider adoption, these days you can choose the parents of your unborn child.

  18. considering your age i think it would be best if you put it up for adoption at least that way the baby lives to tell the tale and you won't have to worry about the finacial solution and can contiune school normally.

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