
Should i keep trusting one of my best friends ?

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my best friend kissed my ex even through she stil knew that i liked him. now she wants to go out with him and the fact is that she knows i have been trying to get back together with him and she kissed him multipul times should i keep trusting her or let her go




  1. Let her go! Trust me, I've been through this. I've been friends with my best friend for many many years (not anymore)  and she has hooked up with every boyfriend i've ever had, they always say they are sorry and won't do it again, but they always do.

    Respect yourself enough to have friends you can trust.  There is nothing better than having a good group of trustworthy friends, it took me many years to find it, but you will, and let that dumb boy go as well, heck, you don't need either of their sorry butts.. Good Luck

  2. Let her go!



  3. I don't think the problem here is your friend. Jealousy is a nasty thing. You may like this guy but why did you break up? If he is kissing this other girl then does he really want to be with you? Is having a relationship that probably wont last with a boy worth throwing away your friendship? These are some questions you should be asking yourself.

    From an outside perspective I'd say that your best bet is to stick with your friend. If the boy is interested in you he would be with you... Him not being with you is not your friends fault. There are lots of great guys out there. Don't get hung up on the ones that destroy relationships with your friends. Trust me on this, if you were meant to be with this guy then he would persue you. Thats obviously not the case so cut your friend some slack

  4. If you have to ask whether you SHOULD trust her, you don't. Sounds like you know exactly why, too. Actions speak louder than words and friends should last longer than casual love interests when you're young... but she ruined this, not you.

    At the same time... don't trust HIM, either. Too many women blame the other woman, and let him sucker them that he is such hot stuff all their friends can't stay away. Don't drop your best friend for shady behaviour and then ignore the fact that HE was in on it too. You'll be left with double heartbreak when he does it again and you've got no girlfriends left to cry about him with.

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