
Should i learn Japanese first or Japanese kanji?

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Should i learn Japanese first or Japanese kanji?




  1. As you are learning how to speak it, learn hiragana and katakana.

    Then later, you can learn the kanji.

    Speaking is most important, you can always learn how to read. It's wise to learn both together.

  2. Always learn the spoken language first..........

  3. I think that it all depends on why you want to learn Japanese. For some people, speaking may be more important than reading or writing. But, for others it could be the exact opposite. It depends on the person.

    If you just want to be able to say a few simple expressions or perhaps follow a simple conversation then you probably should work more on listening and speaking than reading and writing.

    But, if you're serious about learning Japanese then I think it is a big mistake to try and focus on learning one skill (ie: speaking) first and then trying to catch up on the others later on. It would be much better for you to follow a more balanced approach and improve all areas of your Japanese ability equally.

    Or course, little children develop their speaking skills before say their reading skills. Little kids are exposed to people speaking their mother tongue 24/7 so this is only natural. Unless you are able to constantly surround yourself with Japanese native speakers or plan on using CD/DVDs 24/7, you will not be able to learn the same way as a Japanese kid.

    Your learning experience will be much fuller and you will retain and understand more if you try a more balanced approach and work on all of your language skills.  

  4. Learn Japanese first, so you'll understand the writing better.

    Think of it this way: Did you learn to write in English before you learned to speak it? If you did, then whoa. :)

  5. Learn the language first. Then I suggest you look into Hiragana and Katakana before attempting Kanji. It's a real challenge.  

  6. Japanese children start learning Kanji in the 1st grade, they start speaking words from 2-3 years age. Do as a child does, learn to speak first then goto school

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