
Should i leave him for good,or whould i keep wait untill the mirracle happened?

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I live with a married man. He has 4 kids from his wife. When we met i was married as well but now i am divorcing because of him.I want him to divorce as well but he say he will never do it.I love him deep down.He says he loves me too and can't live without me.But he always texting his wife and she texting him ,calling him.And that annoyed me very much.I have some feeling i am used.We argue over that almost every day.He is from africa and i have been told the men from there never leave them wifes.Someone knows something about it?




  1. I think you just need to wake up to the facts as they are.

    I have remained friendly with both of my x's.I make everyone aware of this and that they regularly phone me for my advice as I know them as well if not better than their new partners ,and they know I will always give an unbiased answer as I have nothing to gain.Does he see them?what are the conversations about?Way it all up and decide whether it is something you can or connot live with.The answers thereafter should be quite obvious,you love him enough to live with it or you dont.Just dont let it compramise the basic foundation of your relationship and you should remain happy .

  2. in my opinion miracles don't happen that got to do whats right for you.its your life you got to make the most of it. you don't get a second chance.

  3. Does his wife know about you???

    If so then she is stupid for letting him live with you. thats madness!

    and i dont think he is going to change by the way...they never do. its like saying a lepard never changes its spots.

    Be careful and dont be stupid. See whats infront of u as i think u already know the answer to you question u just hoped everyone would tell u it would be ok x

  4. Don't wait for a miracle, that can take a lifetime. time to move on, good luck.

  5. aint karma a *****?

  6. please stop,are u willing to distroy 4 childrens family. sorry if im hurting ur feelings but if u continue ull be a homewreker

  7. Move out, and on, until you are sure.

  8. oh god, leave him fast

  9. I really think that you should just cut all ties as this man is not for u!!!

    he has a wife and a family which are at stake here..why would you want to ruin that for anyone?

    there are many single men out there for you so why go for a married man.

    you were obviously unhappy in your last marriage and perhaps this man came along at the right time for you to have the courage to leave him but dont think for one minute that your divorce is down to this man because he could of probably been anyone!!

    are u sure you want to even wait for a man that cheats on his wife and family\?? i wouldn't if i was u..... respect yourself more and move on!!!

    everyone deserves better than that!

    of course this man is going to tell u he loves u etc etc as he can have his cake and eat it!!!!

    of course a man texting his wife will annoy you as you want a man to yourself and not to have to share with siomeone else..SO WHY ARE YOU??????

    he will never leave his wife, men like that never do..EVER!!

    please just respect yourself and think of those poor children...why be the one to ruin a family..let that be someone else, as im sure if you do end things with him, you definately wont be the last of his affairs!!

    cut your losses..u deserve more!

    sorry if i have hiurt your feelings but i would not appreciate someone doing this to me!

    good luck.

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