
Should i leave him or give him another chance?! he says that he loves me but only likes her.?

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this guy that i have been off and on with for about 1 year and a half. is my first love and im his too. 1m 17 and so is he. except hes a senior and im a junior.

he is "talking" to this girl that he kind of likes. he says he only likes her about 4 of 10 and me 9 of 10.

but anyways.

we stopped talking for a while and then came back to eachother like we always do.

but there is this other girl that he likes too. but he says that he wouldnt ever go out with her. but he asked me if we could just claim eachother and blah blah blah instead of going out. just because when we go out we argue too much. and thats always been a problem with us is the arguing.

over the weekend i decided that we just need to move on and let it go.

earlier on. whenever i say that he convinces me to stay.

this time i got my friend to tell him indirectly from me.

without him knowing that i told her to say that.

she was just like we were talking to sarah this weekend and she say she doesnt want you anymore.

i thought he would stop talking to me after that.

but of course he convinces me yet again. and he says that he loves me. and that he only likes her and that theyre not tht serious they just hang out everyonce in a while but he couldnt ever go out with her.

should i just stay obviously if hes taking so much to convince me?

i mean he says that he loves me and wants me like he tells my friends all the time.

which is what makes me stay




  1. i would tell him. to pick. you or her. and if he says both.. dont talk to him. dont let him convince you to come back.. cuz thats showwing that he controls you.  i am also 17  but ive learned,.

  2. Sorry to be so blunt, but he is out for himself, not you or the others.  Just him, and he will say to you and others whatever he thinks you want to hear to keep you happy.  I think there is a movie on HBO or such another cable channel with a guy in school that does just what your boyfriend is doing with about 5 or 6 girls.  Get smart, be real with yourself.  You don't need a boy to make you pretty, smart or happy with yourself and your life.  You need to be true to yourself and to do your best in everyday life.  That is where your awareness and self confidence will come from so use it while you are young and learning like a sponge and don't let some lame, good looking guy take your backbone away just because he knows he can with his looks and charm.  BE A MOVER AND SHAKER, MAKE YOURSELF SMART, CHARMING AND ADORABLE TO EVERYONE, BUT YET NO ONE CAN REACH.  Good luck to you and stay the course everyday and next school year, look out!!

  3. ok i'm gonna be blunt ....if he's cheated on you theres a 85% chance that he'll do it again

  4. Is there s*x involved?  If there is, he is going to keep the door open, so that there is no need for him to be deprived.  Many men keep a little black book for days when they are frustrated and want relief.  Do you want to be on that list?

  5. okay unfortunately i think you need to let go until he permanently lets this other girl go.. he is basically having the best of both worlds.. he is not putting a firm title on your relationship and you have to wonder what he tells her about you.. just a thought.. i think you deserve better and you should go out there and get it.. just because hes good at begging doesnt mean hes worth keeping


    EITHER ITS YOU OR HER. end of story.

    If he isnt going to make you his "only" then MOVE ON and find someone that will. If he LOVED you, he wouldnt be thinking about another stupid girl ;]

    Also the excuse you guys argue to much is BULLSH*T he doesnt want to commit to you because he wants to "mess around"

    MOVE ON ALREADY, if you guys argue to much and it doesnt work then let go, STOP trying to fit in a puzzle where it doesnt belong.

  7. give him another chance

    tell him that if you guys argu alot then you have to break up because you cant handle it.

    good luck:)

  8. dont be so dumb!!! why would u let some guy sweet talk u and actually fall for his BS dont u know that all guys will say what u want to hear if he really cared he wouldnt be like that to u so move on!!

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