
Should i leave my 9 yr old home alone while i work?

by Guest65247  |  earlier

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childcare would cost mean additional 580 a month for another child.




  1. No, because your child is still young.  Now if it is just for an hour or so after school till you get home, I don't see the big deal.  Your child should know to go inside, lock the doors, and don't answer to strangers.  But for 8hours on their own, it isn't safe whatsoever and if a neighbor or someone else finds out, they can report you for neglect.  Childcare is super expensive.  Maybe you can work a deal with a neighbor or better yet, your child friend's mom.  It would be cheaper than daycare and your child friend's mom can make a couple of bucks while your kid entertains their kid.  

    Good Luck but please don't leave them by themselves.  If anything happen to them, you would feel so guilty

  2. hes way too young.

  3. 9 is still awfully young to be left alone all day every day.  I wouldn't.

  4. no you should not!! if have to ask that question you should not a have children.  daycare is best!!!!

  5. I feel 9 is way too young - do you know any stay at home mom's of toddlers? See if she'd like your daughter to help her with her kids while you work. I had a 9 year old helper when my children were babies it was nice to have the help.

  6. no!




    that is completely irresponsible and try to find a family member or friend that you can barter with for their childcare service

  7. A nine-year-old at home alone is probably not a good decision.  Some children that age are more mature than others.  I babysat my infant sister at that age and she was hurt because I was not responsible enough.  Does he know  how to prepare food?  Does he obey rules?  Would he be able to call you if there was a problem, or would he be able to call someone else in the family?  Are you embroiled in a custody battle or is it possible that his father constantly watching for a reason to get him away from you in court?   You may need to consider quite a few things first.  Don't do it out of desperation.  Check  into vacation bible school and see if he can go home with his friends afterward or something like that first.  Those programs are usually free, but only cover half the day.  Good luck with that.

  8. This is difficult to say definitely 'yes' or definitely 'no'.  What kind of neighborhood do you live in?  Do you know your neighbors - are any of them home during the day so that if he needed something he could go to them?  Is he responsible for his age? How does he feel about being left alone during the day?  Is this for the summer?  I know - I'm asking a lot of questions but there is a lot that needs to be considered.  Is this  a day care or have you had any leads on private day care(s) that are ran out of a home - sometimes those are a semi-less expensive.  But you need to make sure you get a TON of references, meet the person, go through the house, yard, etc - just like you would with a day care facility.  You know your son, neighborhood, etc., the best - plus if you have that mommy gut feeling telling you one way or another chances are you need to listen to it.  I suppose you're needing to make a decision quickly (that's usually how it works out) but  try to really take your time with this since this is your son and you don't want to make a bad decision at his expense.  I'll be thinking of you and hoping something works out that will help everyone involved to feel good!

  9. legally u cant

  10. h**l no!!

  11. NO stay home with your child,

  12. no because if something happens while you're gone (which is unlikely) then there's not gonna be anyone at home to call 911/999 or look after him/her. see if you can ask a friend or neighbour to help out.

  13. No, you'll never forgive yourself if god forbid something were to happen to your child. See if the school your child attends is offering an after school or summer program where they can stay while you work. If not, maybe you know a responsible teen that can watch your child for you. You can pay them a lot less and have peace of mind.

  14. no not at all never leave your kid home alone at that age unless you want him or her taken away.

  15. I don't know about the laws in your state, but in mine, it's illegal. At 9 years old, I don't think they can be trusted to stay at home alone. Maybe you could look into getting some daycare assistance from your state. Or find a neighbor hood teenager that would be willing to watch your child for less. If something happened while you left your child home, wouldn't you feel terrible. Good luck!

  16. yes that would be fine, but take precautions.

    make sure the door is locked, and he knows not to answer it and have a neighbor check in

  17. No, he's too young. It's not a question of whether he can cope while all's going well. It's a question of whether he can cope when there's a gas leak, or a strange man knocking persistently at the door, or he drops a glass and cuts himself badly.

  18. No!!!  you can't leave a 9 yr old home alone...there are to many dangers plus, I believe, it is against the law.  That child's life and safety is worth every penny!

  19. No see if you can get a neighbor or someone on the smae street that can watch your child for a lower arte that is already home and needs alittle extra cash

    older retired lady, stay at home mom

  20. h**l NO,,,, Anything can happen!!! I can understand childcare is expensive,,but don't do anything u will regret.  MY opinion.

  21. Leaving a child home alone all day at that age is against the law in any state.  If a neighbor turns you in your child will be placed into foster care until YOU provide proper care for your child.  In the states of New York and California a child of 9 can be left alone for not longer than two hours.  So is that $580 a month more important than your child being in foster care?

  22. my mom left me home alone at that age.

    if you trust yer 9yr old then yeah its okay.

  23. Maybe if they are really mature, and you work close to home. And it's only for a bit. otherwise I wouldn't.

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