
Should i leave my ducks egg in its pen or put it out in the grass?

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my duck layed an egg there not sitting on it what should i do?i have three ducks and one of them is a male and two of them is a female.




  1. Some ducks are really bad about not sitting on their eggs.  Many times with certain breeds, you must use an incubator if you want the eggs to hatch.  I leave my ducks in the yard during the day, and pen them up at night.  The door to their house is open all the time so they can go in if they feel like it.  They are mostly vegetarians, so they enjoy being in the  yard to eat the grasses, insects, and small frogs and lizards.  Just make sure they always have access to clean drinking water...

  2. put the eggs in a warm heated room wrap them in blankets that you don't mind getting dirty. when they hatch put them in the pen with the mother. keep the eggs warm.

  3. Give the duck some straw or dried grass that it can build a nest in. Is there some where in the pen that she can build a nest? Put a pile of grass in a spot where she will be safe from predators. A duck will lay a few eggs before they nest. They will just lay them everywhere. That is just how they do it. Then you will see her making a nest. Once she has started to make a nest leave her alone. She will do fine with no help. Throw the egg way. It is probably not fertile. You will know when she is getting ready to nest. You will see her pulling straw and grass up around her. She will cover the eggs with straw and feathers when she leaves the nest. Duck won't take much meddling with their nest, they will abandon it in a heartbeat or quicker. If you leave her be after she starts to nest she will reward you with baby chicks. I have tried to save the eggs that they are laying around the yard but they are usually not fertile. She will know when it is time to start putting the eggs in a nest, if you leave her be. If you meddle with the nest and eggs she will quit the nest and wait till next year.

  4. Leave the egg whereever she layed it. Ducks will not set on eggs until they hsve about 10-12 in the nest. She still has some laying to do before she will set. If you move the egg, she might stop laying in that spot.

  5. well what do you want ?

    basically , you have three options

    *leave it alone in the house/pen and she'll eventually enough and might decide to hatch a clutch!

    *put it on the grass for vermin to eat ... a very stupid idea

    *or simply bring it in and eat it ....

    no offfence this was a kind of a silly question.

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