
Should i leave my family, high school, best friends, friends, and boyfriend, who i love to death, behind?

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There's a school called Bard College at Simon's Rock. It's a school for teens who have completed tenth and eleventh grade, as well as a few high school graduates, to attend college. College a year or two early! I could be done with school sooner than i technically should be. I didn't get in this year, but im reapplying. I could either go in January, or next fall. The problem is, i have a new boyfriend. We've been together since April 1, 2008. Almost five months. It's the longest relationship i've ever been in. I love him to death. I've loved him practically since i met him in eighth grade. I have a best friend who i've been friends with since sixth grade. I love my friends to death. I love some of my family to death. And my high school is nothing special, but at the age of 16, it's my life at the moment. I'm thinking of going to the college in January, which is about four or so months from now. I feel that it's really soon but at the same time, it would be awesome rather than having to wait. Then again, if i went next fall, i would have more time to spend with people, knowing that i would be leaving. The thing is, i can't decide if i really should go. I know that i want to, but i don't know if i want to bad enough. My best friend would kill me if she knew i was leaving. She started crying last year when i said that i wanted to.... i hadn't even begun to fill papers out, and she was crying! My boyfriend is saying that i should go and not have him or the best friend hold me back. I can't make up my mind. I really do love my boyfriend. I know that i'm 16, which is young, and that people throw the words "i love you" around a lot, but i really do love him. My entire family loves him. I don't know what i would do without him. He's my everything. I see no flaws in him at all and there is no one like him. He's the main reason it's hard for me to make up my mind.

Any input?




  1. Your boyfriend said that? That is one good boyfriend.

    So this is what it boils down to, you could:

    a) stay at high school with your family friends and boyfriend and take education at the same pace as everyone else.


    b) Go to Bard College and finish your education and be ahead of everyone else....

  2. what i would do is ask yourself and also him if the two of you can make a long distance relationship work for awhile until you are both able to be in the same city again.  it's been done before so you guys could do that.  and if you can, that would be great.  so talk with him about it and see what he says.  i think that whatever he thinks about it is important and i think it's great that he is encouraging you to pursue your interests and goals.  that shows that he really cares about you and what is good for you.

  3. For education


  4. If this is something you really want to do, do it - reapply...for next fall.

    This will buy you some time to see if relationships change, and will keep you from regretting leaving so soon.

    See if you can get accepted...if not...stay.  If you don't HAVE to go...maybe just knowing you could would be good enough.

    There are other options to graduating and starting college early if this is what you really want.

  5. Your boyfriend is an ideal guy, chic. Let me tell you something: if he loves you, he'll encourage and support you and your dream 150%! And from the sound of it, he does! GO TO BARD COLLEGE!

  6. Just Go!!! Don't let your feeling hold you back. it will be great experience to be on your own adjusting with strangers. You should limit yourself to your friends, family or boyfriend bcz sooner or later all of them will move on and you might regret about the oppurtunities you lost just bcz you want to be with someone. My advice might sound selffish but when you will get mature you will realise nothing of this matters. As one of the great economist said " Do things for your benefit and the world around you will get richer"

  7. it really depends on you.

    what do you want more?:

    going to college early, or losing your boyfriend and your friends?

    personally i would choose to keep my friends.

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