
Should i leave my friend in the dust?

by  |  earlier

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ok well i'm wondering if i should just leave the guy that has been my best friend for the past year in the dust and forget about him because he has decided that he doesn't want to talk to me or even see me? or should i at least try and find out what it is that made he decide that? after all we've only been friends for a year but we've been best friends. i would do anything for him and he at least said that he would do anything for me. he's never let me leave mad at him cause he can't stand to have people mad at him expesially when it could be permanent. don't i deserve the same from him?




  1. Found out what's up.

    Maybe he likes you and is afraid of ruining the friendship?

    If that's not the case, maybe he just doesn't want to be friends because he's worried about his "reputation" (stupid, I know, but it happens)

  2. find out why

  3. Ok, well if you two were best friends for like a year and he suddenly decided he didn't want to see you or talk to you I'm guess you probably have an idea as to why.  Now you need to decide how badly you want to be friends again and start working on fixing whatever happened and issue a few apologies to those involved.  

  4. You really should find out why. I have a feeling that someone has been telling him lies about you. You should talk to him. If he doesn't understand, then I'm sorry but it's best if you leave him be. Don't worry, it's hard but, who knows....he might just miss you one day and he might just come crawling to you...:P

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