
Should i leave my preganant rat with the male or should i seperate them?

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my rats hate it to get seperated. So i put them back together. Will the male eat the babies or he won't. And i don't care if they make more babbies after.




  1. Dont seperate them until the babies r born.

  2. Why are you breeding irresponsibly? Do you realize how many homeless rats there are? Get your female rat a female friend and your male rat a male friend and KEEP THEM SEPARATE.

    You need to separate them because even if the male does not harm the babies, he will get the female pregnant again soon after the birth which is VERY unhealthy for her. Back to back pregnancies are horribly stressful for the female.

    Please don't be a backyard/mill breeder.

  3. do you want dead chewed babies or live ones... you decide. the male will eat his young, just so you kn0w and you spelled "babbies" wrong.. its babies

  4. he will eat the babies seperate them but leave tanks side by side let them socialize outside either tank when babies do not need her. i would get the male neutered and the female spayed, if there is a vet around that can do that

  5. Yes he will he will eat the babies or the mother will be so stressed that she'll eat the babies and it is best for him to be taken out because he could easily impregnate the mother again which is hard on her body and very unhealthy.

  6. The two should be fine until she has the babies then you will need to seperate them immediately. The male will eat the babies. This happened to our mice. It would be safe to seperate them now if you don't know when she will have the babies.

  7. You should take him out because it is highly likely he will eat the babies. And also he will probably try to mate with the female while she is pregnant and this is unhealthy for her and her babies. OH, and once she had her babies, for about a week or so put the dad back in!


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