
Should i let go of my bridesmaid

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My one of my bridesmaid is really getting on my nerve because first she insults me instead of congratulating me . then she wants a totally different outfit. I don't know either am crazy or it's just my stupid hormones.(Six months prego)




  1.'s YOUR special day!!!don't let her ruin it.if this happens 1 more time tell her she needs to stop or she will be moved down.


  2. wow. its really is ur day and do whatever it is to make U happy. if i were u i wouldent let her go. think about y she is ur bridesmaid to begin with. not to sound all dr phil ish but maybe u should have a little talk with her and tell her how u feel. tell her how its ur special day. letting her go could cause some mega un needed drama and un nessesary breakouts! lol. and maybe she doesnt realize wat a bridesmaid zilla shes being. -- but if it doesnt stop and u get fed up by all means dump her - kick her to the curb, no1 should ruin ur day!!! =]

  3. I would let her go straight up. If she was a TRUE friend she would be Happy for you. its Your wedding and you and your soon t be husband's CHOICE ONLY... Who cares how she wants the outfit. its not her day. First of all its your day, its your wedding, Your getting married and shes not. She's gonna have to understand that.  

  4. She should be naturally aware that being pregnant means your hormones are all over the place and that you dont need any more stress than what you already get with planning the wedding.

    Talk to her and ask her if she can be more of a support to you, and if she argues with you then you know to let her go. The weddings about you, not her.

  5. It could be her hormones, but with you being stressed and prego that's not good. Talk to her first, explain the frustration. Is she married? IF she's not, she might be jealous that you're getting married and she's not. Otherwise, if the issues continue, tell her that you don't want her to be a part of your wedding party.

  6. I was 7 months pregnant when i got engaged so it was about March 07  and I'm getting married July 2009! Anyways 2 of my bridesmaids who were going to be in the wedding had a big deal about me having a baby at 21. I haven't talked to them since I asked them to be in the wedding  because the refuse to be seen in public with me because Im a mom and there all about themselves. So I just told them that if they don't like me because I have an amazing son and finacee then forget it, they don't even need to be my friend.

    I think you need to just tell her how you feel and if she doesn't want to respect you then tell her to take a hike. Its not about her ! Its about Your Finacee, You and soon to be child.  I wish you guys the best of Luck and Congrats!

  7. Well let me start out by congratulating you on your wedding and your baby! Wow, you have alot going on. As far as your bridesmaid goes, I know from experience how sticky that situation can be. I have a bridesmaid who has really added alot of stress to my life and wedding. She hasn't done anything to help me out and she makes it clear that she doesn't care about being a part of the wedding. She did some other things as well, but I won't get into that. Anyway, my initial instinct was to just ask her to not be a bridesmaid anymore, but it wasn't that easy. For start we had mutual friends and I feared that they might get mad at me or that it would ruin the mood at the wedding.

    My suggestion is, try to make things simpler for yourself. If your bridesmaid is only your friend and she doesn't have any connections to your other friends or family, then I say let her go. However, if letting her go is going to make other situations awkward such as at the wedding or work, then you may just want to put up with her being in the wedding, but talk to her or have one of your bridesmaids talk to her. Have someone tell her that this is your wedding and that you want the girls to wear a certain outfit. Let someone remind her that you are pregnant and that you have enough to deal with and that you don't need this additional stress. Maybe if she hears it from someone else she'll realize what a pain she has become.

    She had no right to insult you. Maybe she's jealous. You're getting married and having a baby. Maybe these are things she wants, but doesn't have. Certainly doesn't give her a right to be mean, but that may be the reason why. Like in my case, this wedding may be an awakening about your relationship with her.You now see her true colors. If she can't be happy for you and be there for you, then maybe she isn't a true friend. After the wedding maybe you won't make as much of an effort to be her friend anymore, but if your wedding is approaching soon, then you may just want to keep in your wedding to make things easier for you. Sorry, you're going through this, I know how it feels.

  8. Stay away from her.  Your health should be primary interest right now.

    Tell her to take a hike.

    Good Luck.

  9. If you are into your 6th month of pregnancy - your chances of loosing the baby have greatly diminished. HOWEVER - your chances of preterm labor are higher if you are very stressed. SO - I feel you should let her go as a bridesmaid - maybe even a friend. Why would your 'friend' insult you? Why would she make things harder on you? You are planning a wedding and having a baby - the 2 most stressful events a woman plans for! You need SUPPORT only  - no hassles.  

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