
Should i let him go for good this time?

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I was seeing a guy that I met at work. He is not a co worker but a customer who comes there all the time to buy coffee’s thought he was really cute when I met him.

However, I lost interest in him after only one date because he was really boring and dull. I even met up with him for the second. There just wasn’t any spark.

So I decided to drop him because I also didn’t have any patience for his speech problem. I told him that we can be just friends and I don't think we will work out. He was disappointed but he played it cool.

He kept on chasing me telling me that he misses me and I should give him another chance. He even sent one of my co workers to tell me that he really likes me. So I started having second thoughts about it and decided to give him another chance since I only went out with him twice.

I thought things will be different but they are still the same. I find him to be clingy and annoying. He always tells me that he really likes me and I am so s**y know I should I appreciate it but I get irritated. Even when I want to watch TV he always wants to cuddle which makes me want to scream.

Have you ever been in this situation?

So do you think I should stick around to see if I develop feelings for him or should I let him go for good?




  1. let him go for good. sounds like you gave in a couple times and gave him a chance. i think by now you'd know if he was good for you. move on w/ your life.  

  2. Let him go. If you have no feelings for him so far I doubt you will develop any for him later.  

  3. ive never been in this type of thing, but, if he doesnt make u happy, then id say tell him what u think he should do during dates. then maybe soon, he will catch on, and be the guy that uv always wanted! hope i helped! :D

  4. You're a sweetheart for trying!

    But honestly, if you don't feel anything, I don't know what to say. You can stick around if you want and be frustrated by his clingy habits.

    I used to date a guy that was SO sweet but wouldn't leave me alone. He'd get whiny when I didn't want to be suffocated by him all the time and I hated myself for not enjoying it, but sometimes there is such a thing as too much of something great like that. So do what feels comfortable. Maybe if he's willing, you two could just be friends and then the line would be drawn so he couldn't cross it. You may feel more comfortable that way. Good luck!

  5. this is a good question and need some explanation.

    let me try...

    Look first of all

    1. feelings are not developed... feelings are just felt and they just come out...

    2. I think you are unromantic (dont say "what?") because he likes to touch you and romance you and you like to scream..

    (hahaha this is so ....i dont know what to say)

    3. I think may be you feel that he is boring BUT he is ROMANTIC....

    4. Only he is trying to understand you and he is sending you messages that he likes means he really does.... You just dont want to be loved (or may be in another way).

    Now lets come to the solution..

    Try love him the way he is...when you are talking to him just get some new topics.

    let him try what he can.. in every person there is a special thing that makes others like him/her.

    may be you dont know what is that special thing in him.. try thinking about it.

    try to love and not to cool minded....dont be toooo fast..

    just 2 dates and you just said (we cannot make it out)..

    you are so fast..

  6. I think you know the answer to this question. You are NOT interested- it's as clear as black and white. Let it go. You are not being fair to him nor yourself by keeping him around. Ask yourself-- would you want someone to keep  YOU around if they didn't really like you?..  but did it out of sympathy?

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