okay.when i was young my parents split up.i don't really remember my mom just only flying on a plane with my sister to go visit her.we wouldn't stay long with her maybe a few weeks.well she would hardly call to say hello or see how i was doing.i remember her moving a lot.i didn't even see her for my own graduation,i know she was there because my dad said she was there but as soon as it was over she left.she called me later that night but to see only if i wanted to go over to my aunts house to drink,she didn't even congratulate me.anytime she trys to call me i do answer but its short conversation.i love my mom because she is my mom and my fiancee gets upset at me when i try to deffend her when someone says something bad.i feel i need to because like i said she is my mom.he says i shouldnt feel like i need to be there for her because she wasnt there for me when i needed her the most.i know she is trying her hardest now, she has moved back to town with my little brother and her new boyfriend.but even though she moved back she hardly calls me or trys to see me.she spends a lot more time with my sister and her kids.i feel left out.