
Should i let my moms friend give me a tatoo.?

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should i let my moms friend give me a tatoo since i cant legally get one in wisconsin cuz im only 16 but my mom said i could. my mom said that her friend gives good tatoos but im not sure if i should trust him giving me a tatoo cuz like he is not a professional




  1. if he's not a professional, i would say no! & personally, i know you don't want to hear this.. but your too young. wait til your 18.

  2. If you've seen his work and are happy with it (make him use new needles) it'd probably be ok to get one.

    I do think it would be better to wait till your legally old enough and see a professional tattooist who you've seen the work of. (not all professionals do good work). Speak to people who've had tattoo's done by the person 1st.  Tattoo's can get infected during healing if not properly cared for, if the tattooist doesn't do the job deep enough it can look faded quickly.

    I have one tatt- professionally done (good job). My partner has one tatt-done by different professional (shocking job!) REMEBER-tattoo's arepermanentt. You don't want to be stuck with a poorly done tattoo. Its probably smart to get one in a place you can cover up as some employers don't like staff with tattoo's.

    "If in doubt, don't"

  3. i really woudnt

    but if you want to make sure you clean the area with like disinfectant make sure its a new//clean needle  

  4. If they aren't a professional, I wouldn't. Professionals have licenses--meaning that their tactics and studios have been checked.

    A non-professional can do pretty much whatever they want and not worry about health codes and violations.

    I guarantee that if you wait until you are 18, you will find an artist that will legally tattoo you, do a good job, AND by the time you are that age, your body will have stopped growing enough to make sure your tattoo doesn't distort.

  5. NO! wait...i know a million and 1 people at 16 that wanted a tattoo and already regretted it at 17.. wait till u can get it done prof. with confidence.. you'll be so thankful! take the 2 yrs to pic out the perfect peice.. cuz ull change ur mind or add diff things.. DEF WAIT!

  6. It is not worth your body! You don't know if he uses sterilized tools, or if he can even do it properly. I am pretty sure you can find a tattoo parlor that will let you get one with a parent's consent. And don't be afraid to ask to see pictures of their artwork on other people...most tattoo artists have them hanging around anyway...but...yeah...don't let him do it.

  7. If your mom says that you can, then why can't you go get one done by a professional?  If you're still a minor, all you need is your parent or guardians consent.

  8. no no no no.  if he is not a professional working in a licensed shop it doesn't matter how well your mom knows him.

    wait until you're 18, it's not that long to wait.  you don't want to get a disease or a S****y tattoo by doing it off the record.

  9. If the person is Not a professional, DO NOT go to them. If you really want a tattoo, wait the 2 years and get one from a professional

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