
Should i let my sixteen year old son get a hayabusa motorcycle?

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He is really responsible and never gets into touble. His whole life is school and the three sports he plays, but i just don't want him to get hurt. When he started driving he did really well and even got onto the high after the first week with his permit, so I am pretty positive he would do o.k. if it were just him. It's not really him i am worried about but the other drivers not caring about motorcycle drivers and I don't want his freinds to influence him into tring to show off. Please help!




  1. WHy does he need a hayabusa? No one needs that much power on the road, get him a 600 sports bike trust me it will be plenty fast.

  2. No!

    That's a craptastic motorcycle and it's slow and it's a pokemon loving japanese bike.

    Get him the MV Agusta F4 1078 RR 312

  3. No. They are too dangerous. I know someone who was going 15 mph in a neighborhood and a car hit them and they died. They WERE wearing a helmet. So I don't like them at all, I think they should just stop making motorcycles.

  4. A Hayabusa can get you in nothing but trouble in high school. I love Hayabusas (not as much as the B King, a naked bike with the same engine) but I wouldn't dare to drive one on city streets. If I had one you'd only see me on it at the race track.

  5. Good idea.   Also a pet rattlesnake for you six year old would be educational.  Lighter fluid, squirt guns and zippo lighters for kids birthday parties the perfect combination.  See through blouses for the girls equils popularity.  Set your kids up with a neighborhood marajuana dealership to learn the ins and outs running a small business.  Celebrate that little league championship with whores and coke. Babies love razor blades.

  6. Not a busa that is  to much bike for most people even a lot of the ones that ride them it is to much.

  7. I wouldn't advise this.

    At 16, he is not very experienced as a driver, and being on a motorcycle in high school, he would feel compelled to show off, which will more than likely lead to himself and others getting seriously hurt, or worse.

    Not to mention how unsafe it is to begin with, no matter how good the driver is. One mistake, and the driver could end up dead. The risk of death is much higher, obviously, on a motorcycle than in a car.

    On top of all that, the insurance he would have to pay would be astronomical. For a teenager with a motorcycle, I can't even imagine how much it would cost to get him insured, just for liability.

    Hope this helped.

  8. Your 16 yr old son can't be licensed for that bike in most states.

  9. I wouldn't that's a really fast bike for someone his age it is capable of speeds of 180mph ,if this going to be his first sport bike get him a older used 600cc to learn on and get the experience he will need for a Hayabusa

  10. H ,NO!!!

    I sold one to 34 yr old guy with a few yrs exp he almost killed himself in sight of my shop Back flipped it when he hit 3rd gear thats as far as he got

    A 16 yr old would have to try it out 1 time that could be to 1 to many Stock they are 190MPH

  11. I think personally he is too young to get a crotch rocket, they are extremly dangerous, i am 24 and have been riding for 3 years, he should wait till he is 21. And if he does get one get him a 600 not a hayabusa, that is the fasted production bike made.

  12. A Hayabusa is a very powerful bike that can bite even an experienced rider in a very bad way. My answer would be forthcoming on knowing your son's maturity level and temperment. Not trying to say anything bad about him, I just remember how i was at that age, LOL. No matter our age, we are all tempted to grab a hand full of throttle from time to time. If it was my son, he is 32 and i still wouldn't want him on a 'Busa. Too throttle happy. Your decision is your own. Good Luck. My one question for you to think about is this, "would you really want him on a bike that is capable of 200mph right out of the crate?"

  13. Mom do you know what a busa is ???

    Its a 200 MPH motorcycle do you want him to have his life for school and those sports? THINK WOMAN !!!

  14. wow, a hayabuse is a 200mph bike out of the box, i would say wait till graduation, but another good bike is the yamaha r1, topspeed is 165mph, its fast, but he wont kill himself! and a hayabusa is around $30,000 i think, just get him one for $11000 like the r1! and a hayabusa is not a good starter bike, and in my opinion their really ugly, so go with the safer, better looking thing! the r1, thanks, and good luck!

  15. what a stupid question...are u serious?

    yes you should get him one, that is only if your happy knowing that he has a bike that will do about 150km's in 2nd gear.

  16. NO!! the hayabusa is considered the fastes and most powerful sportbike out there. get him that and i say h**l get himself killed within the year. i dosnt matter how careful and responsible ur son is, its WAY WAY out of his league.

    P.S u dont know how ur son acts when ur not around.

  17. See this link:


    It doesn't matter if he is a good kid.  3/4 of all accidents are cars hitting motorcycles.  There's nothing that a good rider can do to avoid that.

    good Luck...

  18. I second the get-an-insurance-quote answer.  That should be an eye-opener.  I've seen quotes that triple the cost of the bike for someone so young.

    Besides the potential for having no son anymore, you'll be broke.  Don't do it, man.

  19. No, way to much bike for a beginner.  Stay on the smaller side at first, I wouldn't get anything bigger than a 500cc, inclined to stay on the 250cc area

  20. If you don't want him to get hurt, DO NOT GET HIM A HAYABUSA!  If you want to get him a motorcycle try a 600cc or smaller.

  21. there are only two reason,s to want a hayabusa.......status & one can control another driver so the possibility of being hit by another vehicle exists no matter what bike he,s riding.......the hayabusa was built for speed him & his friend,s it may be considered a sort of status symbol .....but that throttle & power is very hard to resist......especially for the young.....if you live in a high density / metro area...let him get some experiance in a car ...he will soon learn just how crazy other driver,s can get.

  22. No way. Ive been riding for ten years and I still wouldn't touch one. I  think that having a motorcycle like that at that young of an age is crazy. And I really think that anything over 750cc is too much anyways.

  23. I wouldn't even consider it. I'll bet once you price the cost of insurance you won't either.





  25. If you to let him get a bike, start at the bottom... not at the top.

    190MPH at the flick of your wrist at 16 years old... Yeah, he'll live really long.

  26. if i was you i would say no, in my town in the past 2 weeks already 3 people have died on a d**n motorcycle, but you know your kid best. just make sure he wears his helmet, make sure you really burn it into his head that he has to be real carefull or he can die. if you think he can be smart with it do it, but if your not sure just wait a while. hope that helps you!!

  27. i think he deserves it. but hes too young at the moment. maybe wait till hes 18, and in college. it could be a great graduation gift!:)

  28. Get an insurance quote.  Not to see if you can afford it, but to see what they think the risk is.  They have a monetary incentive to judge risk correctly.

  29. The Hayabusa is to much of a bike for a brand new rider. I myself started on a 1000 and it was too much. I later dropped to a 600 which i found was perfect, i learned, i got experience and really a bike that can do over 180 miles an hour is just to much for a 16 YO new rider. Good Luck!!

  30. uh.. christ. It depends on how fast he will be riding? Its a MAD fast bike and speeds like that... well... you know...

    On the other hand, as just a bike for transportation, mabye it would be good for looks.

  31. Your son deserves to be rewarded for his achievements.You should be proud to have such in today's world of gangs,drugs, violence etc..

    It is only natural for him to want the very best, and the 'busa is certainly one of the best, but it is simply a race bike with license plates. I am a motorcycle advocate to the bone, but I saw a young man's life cut short by a 'busa one evening at the dragstrip and lost a friend on another one a week later.

    I think a motorcycle safety class is a must for young folks and a 600cc sportbike would be a fitting reward for such a responsible young man.

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