
Should i lie on my colelge application?

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ok well i've been a cheerleader for 4 years now but i didn't make capitan...:( anyway my bro says i sould lie cuz the college will think that i lack leadership skills since i was on the squad for so long but didn't make capitan... should iu lie or do you think they'll check?




  1. its not a big deal considering you had committment to the team for 4 years which is pretty much the most important part, not making captain

  2. Do not lie on your college application.  I don't think the fact that you were not captain of the cheerleading squad will be held against you.  If you are concerned about your extracurricular activities and lack of leadership skills, perhaps you should find an activity that will help you develop said skills instead of being devious.

  3. I definitely think you shouldn't lie.  Maybe say it in a way that's bending the truth but it isn't lying either.  This is how I would put it...

    I get my leadership skills from cheerleading and as each passing year on the squad.... I learn something new and development team working abilities.  However, I didn't make captain but I believe I learned how to be strong and good supporter of the squad and their decisions.  Overall I think I have earned responsibility and how to have good sportsmanship

  4. If you lie and they check, you can be denied admission automatically.

  5. Do not lie on any official document.  It can and almost inevitably will come back to bite you in the butt.  If the college doesn't check, some future employer may, which wouldn't be good.

  6. Sure, you can lie all you want on your "colelge" application and nobody will care at all, but if you lie on your COLLEGE application you WILL get caught and that could really hurt you.  You most likely will get denied for having used deception when writing up your application.  If they admit you and then later find out the truth, you could be asked to leave.  Lying on any kind of application is a serious offense!  Why would you even consider it?  Just because you didn't make captain?  Oh, well, sh*t happens!  You're not always going to be looked at as number one; that's just life- get used to it.  The use of deception shows that you cannot be trusted as an individual or a leader- don't do it- don't give them the wrong impression.

  7. dont lie

    college apps stay with you for life

  8. Um, no. That's not a good thing to do, especially since they DO check sometimes.

  9. I think that you should tell the truth on all of your college applications, I think that sticking with cheer leading for 4 years and being a member of the team is just as important as being a captain for 1 year.  On my applications I included my participation in Nordic Skiing even though I was never a captain.  If I was looking over applications for freshmen I would not make a big deal about someone who was active in an extracurricular and never was in a leadership position but I would severly criticize anyone who lied on an application.

  10. Take a look at your brother and ask yourself if you want to turn out like him, if he lies easily, he probably hasn't gotten far.

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