
Should i lie or tell my mum (who is scary) the truth?

by  |  earlier

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we're having something delivered but i thought it would be ok for me to have a quick shower. then there was a knock at the door and you get the rest.... should i tell her it just didnt come or go in for the kill and tell her i couldnt get to the door in time?

my fate is in your hands =/




  1. The truth  shall set you free!!!!


  2. Tell her, she will find out anyway - and the sooner you tell, the sooner she can get the package

  3. well im gunna guess that they will redeliver the parcel, id go for the it didnt come today option, just cos im a goodie goodie and hate confrontation..hope this helps

  4. HI it might not of been the parcel guy, as they usually put a note in the door telling you they have left the parcel with someone else in the street and for you to collect it at that address, or they will come back with it the next day or somthing. I hate when you are wating for a parcel and you dont know when its going to come and when it isnt, so it isnt really your fault, what if you were stuck on the loo you wouldnt of been able to answer it.

    I would just tell her that you think there was someone at the door but you were in the bathroom so you didnt get to answer it in time and they didnt leave a note so it might of not been them, if she gets mad at you just tell her that if you need the loo then you had to go, if it was that important then she should of waited in herself for it. thats if she naggs at you as these things happen.

  5. Tell her the truth.

    If she moans, apologise, and promise never to shower again.

    After a week, when you *really* start to hum, she'll see the error of her ways, and realise that showering is not really optional.

  6. Tell her the truth - if u dont she probably  find out if u tell her  they did not deliver it or something. She will probably end up phoning the delivery company if it does not arrive and they will tell they have already been. Most delivery companies wil come back the next day or so to try again.

    THe fact is that it happens to everyone and we all have to shower sometime, so ur mom just has to understand. If not, then know in ur heart that she is being unreasonable and it is not ur fault. By telling her the truth ur mom can phone the company and organise for re-delivery.

  7. Tell her the truth, you're really sorry but you jumped in the shower a bit quick and couldn't get there in time. Say they litterally waited at the door less than a minute..

    something similar happend with me, the bloke stood at the door, didn't even knock and walked away, i had to chace his van down the road.

  8. Be honest.

  9. Say the truth no matter what.

    Remember, "Honesty is the best policy"

    The Lord will be happy to you if you told the truth...

    I also experienced that...

    And I received the worst punishment of all by my dad...

    But it's okay...

    At least I told the truth...

    And I'm safe now...


  10. they'll redeliver so don't tell her

  11. Just tell her, The delivery people will come back and try to deliver the package again .

    Dont lie, beucase it will cause a whole lot of trouble for you and you will be getting the delivery people into trouble as well .

  12. tell her, because other wise she might end up buying another one and it will cost her double the money and she will get even MORE angry when she finds out. Anyway, if you like in the UK she should be able to go and collect it from the main post office even after you missed delivery...

    Good luck, and she can't be THT scary...?

  13. You were orderin' a pizza and didn't want ye fat scary mom to have that it?

    You figured you could jump in the shower before the boy dropped off the pizza did ye?

    You saw her jowls waterin" could you be so cruel.


    You should be reported, poor woman probably knew the truth and went upstairs to crash on her bed...

    God knows what would have happened then...

    and all because of a pizza.

  14. You should know that if you do something you shouldn't do - you will get caught!

    I would confess - it's better to tell the truth.

  15. Well, I think lying is never a good idea.

    I do not think it is a lie to say that you did not receive ___ today.  

    If asked did you hear the doorbell?  Where were you?  Say I was home all day, "the only thing I did was take a shower"  No lie there.

  16. Just tell her the truth.Thay is always the best policy.

  17. Tell her the truth, that you were in the shower and missed it.  Maybe she will forgive you and arrange for the parcel to be delivered when SHE is there, then there is no-one else to blame.

  18. Why couldnt the deliverer just leave it at a neighbours, if its an important package tell her the truth or shell phone up and complain, then she'll find out.

    if it wasn so important then dont tell her and theyll just bring it tomorrow or another day.

  19. always tell the truth

  20. The truth wont get you in problems.

    Take care

  21. tell the truth, a neighbour might have it... or might have see the delivery ppl. think of something important you could of being doing for her, like you were mopping the floor or vacuumin or washing the dishes or something for her instead and you missed it... lol

  22. The truth will come out if the same guy comes back , bite the bullet and tell the truth , be close to the front door for a quick exit , if all h**l breaks loose

  23. Tell her, she will only find out the truth anyway.

    If she phones the delivery company asking where it is, they have it on record that it was delivered, but the occupier was unable to receive the parcel.

    Usually companies redeliver.

  24. Tell her, explain that you were trying to multitask :)


  25. tell the truth this could happen to anyone

  26. what is it that you are getting delievered if she really needs it then tell her the truth and if she doesnt the still tell her the truth just tell her

  27. tell her a twisted truth. Tell her you couldn't answer the door because you were in the toilet with diahorrea!

  28. did they leave a card .............if so it may have they left the parcel with a neighbour or somewhere at the back .............the phone number should be on the card  call them and they may be able to get the driver at come back as he/she is in your area still most likely

    what ever happens tell the truth your mum will/should be ok about it .............. why couldn't she be there to get said package?

  29. oooh... hard one.

    its best to tell the truth as always, so you can get it out of your mind. But it depends on your mum- will she be likely to get really angry, or forget it in a few days, and if the delivered item was important to her?

    Good luck, whatever you do.

  30. tell her to answer the bloody door herslf the lazy old ***** w***e

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