
Should i live in a nursing home at age 43yo?

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I am a 43yo male,with bowel and Pancreatic cancer.I live here because its close to my hospital.However,most of the other residents are elderly,and suffer from Dementia or a form of mental Illness,varying from mild,to extreme. I dislike it here,however i have no other option available to me..It is depressing..Any advise for me would be good thanks..Robbie




  1. Hai Rob; we live where we can afford to live and do the best we can given the circumstances given us.

    Having said that, our attitude is what we choose.

    First, take 'should', 'ought' and 'must' outa your vocabulary.

    Second, FAKE happy all the time even when you're on the dunny; try to make ALL other people smile; never take anything 'seriously'; there are some seriously sad people out there - last week I had to get some dressings changed and the sister at my doctor's surgery would NOT even smile at any of my smartarse jokes and remarks ... at first.

    I won't say that the ice-queen melted in my hands but she did smile eventually.

    Third, refuse to bow your head to any brand of impending doom.

    Fourth, try to do anything else that may help you appreciate where you are rather than on the streets of New York during winter.



  2. You need to get the h**l out of there. You might be ill, but come on fighting spirit. Closer to home is better, see if you can get at home care, I wish I lived there to add some spice to your life and offer a great distraction. I need a spanking all the time. I could keep you quite busy. I am trying to tell ya to make it what you want it to be. Robbie you still got lots to fight and spankings to give. Whatever makes you the happiest. Sponge bathes are the new thing I hear though, ask for one every half hour.

    I am with you in prayer and spirit Robbie.

  3. Get a hold of the American Cancer Association and see what they can give you help with. No one your age fighting back Cancer should be in the kind of place you are in. You should be in a place that surrounds you with a little happiness. Just a little joy around you will make fighting your cancer easier and give you by far a better quality of life. Good luck my friend.   Palin

  4. Do you need care at home due to your cancer??  Do they have assisted living facitlities in your area?  They are basically apartments that come with someone to prepare your meals, clean your apartment, run errands for you...but everyone still has their wits about them...most people are just in there because it's getting more difficult to live on their own.  I'm sure they would have services to get you to and from your appointments as well.  I would just google "assisted living" for your area.  Good luck!  I agree with the fact that you need to be surrounded by people who aren't depressing you!

  5. Hey Rob. That's a b*****d for sure. At least the nurses aren't old right? Ask for a sponge bath, buddy.. I mean.. c'mon ... all the other guys are getting them!

    You could hang around on Y!A and make smart **** comments to amuse yourself... lol... That's always entertaining!

  6. Hey, Im a 45 y/o male nurse in Texas.  If you wanna chat, email me at  would love to keep in touch with you.  

  7. You should live at home as long as you can:you can take a taxi to the hospital.

    I do not think that the environment you are in now is good for you.

    Very depressing.Or move in a hostel close by.

    All I can think of.

    Best of luck,Robbie

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