
Should i look at buying this horse?

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Okay so i am looking to buy a horse or pony i was wondering what people thought of these horses and if they look like there worth going to see. I ride in hunters and show at H.I.T.S,and do childrens hunter and some local shows. I dont mind if the horse is a little green but do any of these horses look worthy?

Now these are all really far so which one look worthy to go see?




  1. i love the first and third one. im scared those might be to small.

  2. Well, the first one looks nice, good conformation, EXCEPT she looks like she's leaning on the forehand & jumping pretty flat. That's probably because her rider is leaning too far forward. That will be difficult to work with.

    The two large ponies are nice enough, but they don't have that sparkle that shows they really love their work. Nice, but nothing special. Plus, you'll grow out of them quickly.

    The third looks extremely nice! Buy her! She's not a giant at 16 hh, but you'll definitely grow into her. She jumps well, has excellent breeding, and is very well-rounded. YOu could really go places with her!

  3. First you need to decide on what YOU want.

    the big question is do you want a pony or a horse?

    theres a big difference, if your tall you are not going to want a pony, but if your short, something over 16 hands might be harder to ride than a pony is.

    Also how high do you want to go jumping wise? it looks like with the pony you will be stuck competing in the children's division while with both the horses you would be able to move up further.

    All three are nice. If anything the 16 bay mare has a short back and almost appears to go too deep to the fences. The 16 hand chestnut mare jumps a little flat has a long neck and back and a bit of a roman nose.Can't really find too much with the pony.

  4. Seems like a lot of money to me to spend on a horse unless you're big into H.I.T.S....I mean, as far as local shows and such...but hey, if you've got the money then have at it--! Good luck on your horse hunt--

  5. 2

    They don't look green to me.

  6. (The second link is an ad for 2 different ponies, in case you didn't notice)

    I DEFINITELY like the second second one (Ben There)! That one is very flashy and worthy of HITS. Brown Eyed Girl (first second one) is nice too. But do you want a large pony? They both are.

    The third is nicer than the first if you need a horse. Not crazy about the first one at all.  Happy shopping :)

  7. Email me - I have a Westphalian for sale, cheaper than those you listed and then I have an awesome sport pony that will jump anything. Also have a hunter jumper that won Champion at it's first show and a couple more Warmbloods that might also suit, all cheaper than those listed. I can provide you the links to them, videos etc.

  8. Personally, Ben There Done That, is the only one that catches my interest at all.  He's got good form, good conformation, and is flashy to boot.  I'm partial to QH but I think he's got the best conformation and appears the most supple.  He also appears to have the some good training and experience.

  9. I dont know how tall you are but the second one is only 14.1 so id pass on him bc thats alot of money to spend on something that you'll probably grow out of.

    I would go look at the other two, the first does jump a bit flat, but I like her build better than the third girl, she jumps cute tho. Ride them both an see which feels better you.

    Good Luck horse shopping! :)

  10. I'm a pony person. So I'd go check out hte ponies. :] The other ones are very pretty, but It depends on what size you are, you want to fit on the horse/pony well. Pick hte one  you like, and will fit best to your needs.

  11. I like the first one and i quite like the second, the third looks underweight, IMO.

    Charlotte x

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