
Should i lose this much weight??

by  |  earlier

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Im 15, about 5'7'' and i weigh about 130 lbs. i wanna loose about 25-30 lbs. My mom says that would be unhealthy because im kind of muscular but not really. i dont play any sports. but i wanna weigh like 105. Do you think since im a teenager & still growing that my goal is unrealistic??




  1. No, maybe about 15 lbs. Try going for 15, and then see where you are.  

  2. Yes, you're being unrealistic. What you should do is throw out your scale! A number on a scale cannot tell you how healthy you, how good you look in clothes, or how great a person you are. People get fixated on the number, but there's nothing special about 105. 130 is a healthy weight for you. If you feel like you have too much fat on your body, then start exercising to feel good and get healthy, but don't try to lose 25 lbs. It's just not worth it.  

  3. o my gosh no!!! you are at the perfect weight for your height. if you weighed 105 your bmi (body mass index) would be way too low.  you would be scary skinny and look sickly and unhealthy. i am 5' 4" and weigh 105 and i am on the skinnyer side.

  4. You are the perfect weight for your height! Losing 30 lbs would be very unhetlhy.  I'm all skin and bones, 5'4 and 100 lbs. My doctor told me to gain a few pounds, so im trying.  

    I think the best thing to do is lose about 5 or 10 pounds, it can make a big difference.  Then just tone up your muscles and you will look great.  Try eating healthy, it will make you feel better too.

    Although weighing your dream weight can give you a confidence boost, its unrealistic for your height.

    Gool luck :)

  5. in my opinion you are underweight already for some who is muscular. The average weight for 5'7" female is 135 lbs  and 130 lbs is pretty close to the ideal weight.

    Remember muscle weights more that fat.


    Being aneroxic is NOT fun. It is DANGEROUS.

  6. i don't think you need to loose any weight. but if you want to just try to loose a little at a time. don't try to set your goal too low. work your way down slowly. it'll be easier. & i'd just go to about 115 pounds. im 110 and im 5`2. 105 is too small for your height.

  7. You may not need to lose weight. Weighing 105 at 15 years old isn't healthy, and probably doesn't look right. I'm 5'6, and I've weighed 130 since I was 14, and I'm 17 now. I've always been skinny and but muscular, because I've played soccer my whole life and have remained physically fit. I used to think I was overweight without actually being fat, but that's not true. The truth is how much you weigh doesn't mean a thing considering if you're unhealthy or need to lose some weight. What matters is your body fat percentage. If you think you need to lose FAT, that's okay. Focus on that, and toning muscle. Running, biking, swimming, and strength training. Trust me, you're in the average weight for your age. If you need any help with how to lose the fat on a set workout plan, you can let me know, or post another question, and I'll answer that as well. But please remember that the number before the "lbs" doesn't mean a thing!

    Hope this helped. Good luck to you!

  8. okay ur crazy if you want to lose that much weight when ur 5,7.youll look like ur inorexic or belimic and people will start to ask i suggest you only lose 5 to 10 pounds if ur uncomfortable but thats all u should lose.or youll b unhealthy and everyone will b concernd and think u need help soo remember only 5-10 lb.........good luck

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