
Should i make my hamster cage bigger?

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so right now my male syrian hamster lives in the crittertrailx:

i want to get him the crittertrail2:

i would take one of the two tube&platforms out because its only for one hamster.

i would also take out the wheel in the crittertrail 2(the other cage already has a wheel) and put this in it:

is this a good idea?

i want to connect the two cages so he would have more room to run around and play. He would have access to both cages at all times. Do you think this is a good idea? I really dont care about the cleaing, i just want my hammy to be happy :)




  1. Everything you said is a great idea! If expanded his cage i think theyd love it the bigger the better. I have the crittertrail 2 too. You sound nice caouse it sounds like you really love it!

  2. expanding a cage is always a good idea, there is no such thing as to mutch room. the only problem is be sure to keep the food close so the hamster doesnt need to walk so much to eat.

  3. thats cool i would like to do that for my hamster!!! but how will you connect them? well however you do it i hope it works!!! let him enjoy his 2 or 3 years of life.

  4. I would suggest buying the Hartz hamster house and fun house with connector tubes.  You can get them at Wal-mart, and the house is about $20.00, the fun house is on sale for $15.00, and the connectors are about  $10.00.  My daughter's hamster had the home you currently have, the xtreme critter trails, and she became very aggressive and would bite all the time.  The HArtz home connects to the fun house, gives alot of open space, and fun tubes to climb in, and an enclosed wheel.  Just my opinion... I've wasted alot of money to find the right home!

  5. I have a mouse and I use critter trail, and I tried to connect two cages sadly it doesn't work. For other ideas check out my website:

  6. i had the first hamster cage! works great. But, if its a long haired syrian or its fat, u might need to get a bigger one

  7. first one way cooler

  8. No! my hamster Nemo had the cage you have now he loved going up and down the slide and running in his wheel. He was the biggest of my hamsters and he loved that cage i tried to give him another cage that was bigger but he got very stressed adn never slept so i put him back in his old one which he went right to his old sleep place (the top) and fell asleep. Now my hamster Dori had the one you want to get. Sh killed herself on it. She always jumped off of the platforms instead of going through the ube. on day she jumped off and landed the wrong way (she was the dare devil) she broke her back and dragged herself to a corner and died there. i was so mad i threw the cage away. i was sad because she was very healthy but only lived 6 months

    i would not change the cage unless you really want to, but that was my experience with both cages

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