i was supposed to marry my fiance of three years on april 6th of this year. he's in the army, stationed on ft. benning, ga. the plan was that i wasn't going to go back to college and resume my junior year until this fall, and that i would work part time at the home depot near base, just transfer from the home depot i worked at in my hometown. he and i were living in our house on base, furnishing it, decorating, planning the wedding, etc. on april 2nd, we were going to fly to his hometown in nebraska for the wedding on the 6th, and the day we were supposed to leave, he received orders to deploy to iraq. i had to move back home. home depot wouldn't let me transfer back...it was terrible. i had to get an apartment and job, asap. i had to start over again. i woudln't have been able to do it without the love of my friends and family. well, he and i have continued on like normal, essentially making a joke out of the whole thing, and saying its going to be a great story to tell the grandchildren. and then...the other night, he and i were talking, and he essentially told me that it was okay for me to hold down a part-time job, but that once we had children, he expected me to be a stay at home mother...and he doesn't care that i want to finish college, but he's made it clear that he want's a housewife...i never knew this side to him, and i don't know, maybe its a sign. maybe i shouldn't have married him...but i have days, like today, were i wished i could have him home to take care of everything and pay the bills. i've been thinking about a career with the army or navy because i know i won't be able to afford college on what i make now...but he's dead set against the military...i just need some input...some advice...