
Should i move 2 canada?

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at the moment i live in australia




  1. I love Canada, but if my choice was between Australia and Canada, I might have to pick Australia, at least for a while, for the glorious weather.

  2. austrialia, wow

    well theres free health care

    it really depends where you would move in Canada if your moving here for the weather

    if you don't work and want a job here there are alot avaible in every field.

    housing is reasonable pricing.

  3. You should save up some money and take a vacation here before you make any decisions. Canada is a beautiful country, I love it here.

  4. WOW!! you live in Australia!! tell you what if you want to come here I will trade ya and go live there in the lovely sunny year round weather and wonderful ocean!

  5. Canada is a country where beautiful weather is what you get, maybe a different kind of beautiful weather.  

    The kind that unites everyone together in ice skating and bobsledding. :)   And as for the short warm summers, so many festivities take place in Canadian summer that it may even amount to more than the total year's worth of festivities in warm climates year round.

    The value of a Canadian summer is that of 9 years of summer outside Canada.

  6. Canada is a beautiful country.

  7. Only if you want to.

  8. Australia! xD

    i will trade you places

    i'd love to go there

    I live in Canada and its a great place

    If u really like it in Canada and ur sure u want to then u should go for it

  9. You should feel right at home.  Canada is a lot like Australia, but with a lot less venomous animals.

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