
Should i move back home?

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i just graduated college and have an apartment downtown in the city...Since I graduated I've been looking for a job nonstop, but a good one, don't want to settle. I've had some 'rough' friends in college and trying to clean up my life and keep away from them. Therefore, i've been staying in the suburbs with my Mom and sister at my Mom's house b/c i've been trying to focus and find a good job, stay away from bad influence. My rent is very expensive and my mom helps me with the expense until i find a job. I just lost a great part-time job I had for the past four years and now...My question is should i move home until I find a full-time job? I'm just afraid i will feel bad about myself and lose confidence in myself for moving back home. I get along and spend a lot of time with my mom and little sister but just don't want this to back-fire and become depressed. On the other hand the lifestyle downtown creates a lot of temptation. I am only thinking of doing this until i find a job and figure out where in the city i will be working. Any feedback or advice i would so appreciate! Thank you so much!




  1. Don't give up on yourself. I think you should stay at your own place because it will help you stay more focus on finding a job soon. Maybe you should find a less expensive place to live in?

    I left my parents home at age 18, and even though I got trough rough times, I never moved back home. I have gone through difficult times, sometimes jobless, but it made me appreciate more what I have now and definitely though me a great lesson on how to handle my finances.

  2. Moving back home seems wise, especially since your family seems cool

    Temptation sucks and can destroy you

    You won't be home forever, it'll give you a chance to find a good job and save some money

    Just make sure you get out of the house regularly to hook up with good or new good friends, especially doing things you are passionate about.  

  3. Move back home w/ is ok.  It will save you some money until you get your career started and if you mom is chipping in on expenses it will help her out also.

  4. go back home for now.  just keep your goal in mind.  save up your money.  it's really not that bad.  

  5. There are a few things to think about when thinking of moving home. If you end your lease, will you be able to get a great place like this again? And moving back home doesn't have to be a bad thing, its okay to move back home, get on your feet better, and then move out again! Don't let it get you down. I am sorry you lost your job but that means you're ready for a new chapter and possibly a better job which would be great. Good luck!

  6. I know you don't realize just how young you really are and how many great years you have in front of you. If you stayed with your mother for lets say 2 years that's nothing compared to what you have in front of you. You stay with your mother and get a good job how can that make anyone depressed.

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