ive lived here in the usa, in boston mass for my entire life, and its getting a bit stale. Ive been thinking about moving to a different state in america, but recently have had a different idea entirely, i've been thinking about moving to england.
I have some reasons
first the job market in the us, just plain sucks, i have a college education in television broadcasting, but cant find a decent job anywhere.
the cost of living is sky rocketing and wages just are not keeping up,
im sick of the cold weather
im sick of republicans
health insurance is laughably exspensive
my life seems to be a rerun and i need a change
would London suit my needs, can i get a decent paying job in the television field, i know the cost of living is higher in england, but what extra amenities do you get for it,
hows the weather in England
i guess i just want to kn ow what great Britain is like, can anyone give me an idea