
Should i move to new zealand?

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should i move to new zealand when i finish uni (i want to study to be a psychiatrist, so that will take forever), or should i do uni there? is the education good there? because now i am in london.

i really want to move there, but dont know when. i wish i could move at 18 but i have uni.

and is auckland or wellington better?




  1. The only thing I know about New Zealand is that there are 22 million sheep and only 5 million people.

  2. yeah y not


    but i think you should finish uni in london cause they will think you are more smarter or something.


  4. that would be amazing...sorry don't really know about their universities...i just know i wanted to do an exchange program there but it was going to cost me a butt load of money

  5. KiaOra once again,

    First  of all - did you even check out the links I sent you

    regarding the psychiatry program in NZ?

    Second, you would probably be better off

    doing your varsity studies in the UK.  

    For example,

    admissions into the medical school at my Uni are very competitive

    so the administrators can afford to be quite selective.  

    That means you are up against a ton of other students

    (many of whom get straight A's).

    You will have to complete your Med School training

    before you get into papers on Psychiatry.

    It really depends upon your grades ~

    ~ how are your grades?

    You also need to consider if you can afford to attend Uni here.

    Dunno about what it's like in the UK, do you get free Uni education there?

    Cant tell you between Auckland and Wellington

    which is better

    because I don't live in either of those cities,

    and I don't know much about Unis

    (besides than the one I attend),

    other than hearsay.

    Anyway, go back to your previous question

    and look at the links I sent

    if you are interested in becoming a psychiatrist in NZ.

    Good luck.

  6. go for it

    don't let any unicorn hold you back!

  7. Hm.....I live in Nz and to me its pretty chilled back.

    If you want to experience nightlife and parting 24/7 then i wouldnt suggest Nz. but im not saying that its boring, im just saying its a pretty laid back place.

    Auckland and Wellington are both cities as you probably know. Wellington being the capital, and they usally have lots of nightlife, clubs and stuff, plus right next to you is the sea.

    Wellington is known for being really cold sometimes but its pretty kool. I'd say go to Auckland but dont go out alone at night to much. As Auckland can be a bit dodgy at times....but i guess its not safe to go out alone anywhere in the world now.

    I dont think moving at 18 is a wise choice. If you move at 18 its gonna be hard finding a job that has something to do with psychology so your gonna have to find a minor job, like working at a cafe or something, until you find the job you are interested in.

    Do Uni in London, kuz then the administrators will be impressed, because the English ( Brisith) education system is alot higher than New Zealands.

    In a nutshell...New Zealand is an awesome place.

    Its chilled back, great weather all the time.

    Ha one of my english mates said " Your Winter is our Summer" so i guess its pretty hot here sometimes.

    Moving around is good to, since Nz is pretty free and small.

    The sites are amazing and there are lots of activites you can do. The first thing that comes to mind for me is fishing ( kuz i live in 100 metres from the sea) jet skiing!! canoing, shooting, nightclubs, beaches, surfing and heaps heaps more. I reccomend you come after you finish uni and even then just vist first. Come here for a little vacation, find out what its like before just shifitng everything to Nz.

    Well goodluck and if ya need anything else just email me or something. Ta

  8. i moved to the U.S from New Zealand i miss it every day this h**l hole is nothing compared to New Zealand u should move up there the air is Crisp no thick city air and the sencery is wonderful. and very freindly people as well

  9. Auckland is about 10 times more violent than Wellington, dont ever walk around after dark in Auckland......Wellington is a great place, windy though, lots of outdoor cafes and clubs, real good vibe to the city.....lunch in the summertime down at the piers is awesome.

  10. Well wellington beats stiny London anytime. Trust me its more cultured there and the people are warmer just like the climate. Lots of green and fresh ai u live longer and work in peace.

  11. wellington

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