
Should i notify my insurance?

by  |  earlier

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I was in an accident today. I hit another car in the side passenger seat. A police report was taken and no tickets were given out and he said that the property owner would be accountable since he wrote in the report that there were no signs and I had an obstructed view.

The damage to my car is very minimal and would probably cost less than my deductible. However, she was driving a company car and will definitely notify their insurance. Am I responsible for her damage? Or should I notify my insurance even though I probably won't need them since i won't repair my damage any time soon?




  1. When another vehicle is involved, I always notify my insurance agent. Just as I always file a police report even when there is no investigating officer and when the property damage is lower then required by law.

    It has helped me avoid costly court  battles and black mail.

    Yes your rates may go up, but it is better then loosing your insurance.

  2. Always, always, always notify your insurance company.  That is what you have insurance for.

  3. Of course you should notify your insurance company.  The other driver will as well.  Even if you are determined to be not at fault (which is determined by the insurance company, not the cop), your rates are going to go up.

  4. Your insurance will have to pay for the damage you caused to her car since you were at fault (technically since you hit her). Just because he didnt write you a ticket doesn't mean you aren't at fault.

  5. You need to notify your insurance company.

    There is a good chance they will need to pay for the damage to the other car.

    A lack of a street sign does not release you from your negligence. This is the 2nd time you asked this question and in the other question you said you were turning left.

    The lack of a ticket just means that no one was injured. Cops don't give a ticket unless some one was hurt.

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