
Should i or shouldn't i try out for the gymnastics team???

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okay well school is almost back in and fall sports include Gymnastics. I am overweight and i really like gymnastics. Sould i try out? Cuz i like gymnastics and stuff (i've never actually been in a real gymnastics class) and will it help me lose weight?

what would i have to wear? should i just leave it alone?




  1. Yes! What is the worst thing that can happen? That they will turn you down. Have you lost anything you have now? Nope. You have the same things. Try out for everything. Maybe you will make it and amybe you won't. There are no overweight Olympic gymnasts but you aren't trying out for the Olympics yet, just for school. It would be a great motivator to lose weight I think too.  

  2. Gymnastics isn't for fat people.  I was fat so I joined the crew team.  I ran 5 miles a day and rowed about 10 km every day to get where I am.  And I'm a great athlete now in varsity rowing.  So you probably want something that will get you in shape A BIT before attempting Gymnastics.  It's a sport for very nimble people.  So basically, work hard, and then do it.

  3. well if u never been in a gymnastics class i would suggest no i would run/jog in the morning or with a friend.

  4. no;...

  5. no excersise

  6. I would say to first ask the gym coach what he thinks.  Maybe he can suggest a class you would be good in, tell you what you'd have to wear and all about what to expect.  I would think you'd be better off starting something else to keep physically active that will help you loose weight and build you up.  For the most part, gymnastics require being agile and able to move freely so if you are alot overweight, you'd probably need to get in better physical shape first in order to be good at it.  But whatever you join, keep moving.  Do what you like..even if it's just taking a long walk every day.  Start off slowly, maybe 10 minutes, and work your way up.  Just do it.  Keep at it every day and be determined.  Dance in your room, sing in the shower, join an exercise class..what ever interests you but just keep moving.  Best of luck and don't forget to ask a teacher or gym coach for more can't go wrong if you are willing to try.

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