
Should i pick all the green tomatoes off my plants as starting to see greenish slugs on tomatoes.

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We are getting lots of rain in NH and our tomatoes are still green. Are these green things I see on my tomatoes slugs. would I be better off harvesting them while they are green or should I wait for red tomatoes, whaat do I do about those green slugs that curl onto my tomatoes.





  1. I have never seen green slugs. Check pests to identify (local library ref section) and treat.

    If you pick green tomatoes, place them in a dark drawer on kitchen towel. They may ripen better this way. Regards. UK

  2. It may be slugs.  I usually put wood mulch around my tomato plants.  It will help with the drainage and slugs and snails hate crossing that stuff.  If you wish not to do that you can bring in your larger green tomatoes, rinse them and place them on a windowsill.  I had to do that with some of mine as we're having the same rain problem in PA.  In a day or two they should be pretty red.

  3. Don't pick your tomatoes early just over the slugs. Instead, take care of the slugs or else they will take over and you will start getting them worse and before you know it you will have them every year, and the problem will get worse.

    Get an insecticide. Are they slugs or actualy Tomato Worms? Down here in florida it's dry enough that we don't have to worry about slugs too much but the tomato worms will get crazy...those big freeky looking green worms that are as big around as your finger..!!! Go to Wal-Mart and get some insecticide and like the other person said. Some cederwood chips will help to detour them!

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