
Should i pick tennis to play in high school or volleyball?I like both!?

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Im currently in my volleyball team and im a freshman in varsity. i cant play both sports since its in the same season. i want to play a sport that i can get a scholarship, and play in college. so that if i become good at it that i can get paid for it.

I'm male, freshman in H.S, 6 feet 3 inches tall, and pretty athletic.




  1. so im guessing your brasilian, and by your hight you should totally try out for volleyball.

    but before you do make sure you know that you get along with your coach and teammates and make sure that your not going to quit.

    i play volleyball too and enjoy every minuet of it, but being a girl i guess it'll be different for me than it is for you.

    on the other hand i know this guy who instead of joining the sport that everyone else was playing he decided to start ttennis. now he is a tennis instructor is is making good money.

    just pick whatever you feel more comfortable with and whatever you will excell in the most. :)

    boa sorte...



    Volleyball is a GIRL sport

  3. whatever you are better at

  4. That's an interesting question. Typically you don't see schools with a guy's volleyball team.  You have an awesome opportunity. I had that situation. I came in being able to beat senior varsity girl tennis players since the sixth grade. I also was a starting setter. i LOVE both sports. If I was going to pick for you, I would say go for volleyball. You have the height and I'm sure the strength. As for scholarships, you have time to think about them later. I have a friends who left all her good friends for a school that wasn't a big as her previous school so she could be seen by recruiters. Truth is don't think about that now, just improve your game.

    My suggestion is to think about this last season. Were you good? Did you have fun playing on the team? Did you push yourself to get better?

    Ask yourself those questions and then answer me this, which are you the best at and think you want to continue to play no matter what the sacrifices?  Whichever the sport is, keep a regular lesson or game to keep in the other in case you decide to fall back on the other sport.

    If your willing to do what you have to do to improve in that sport, then your on your way to earning a scholarship.

    No matter what anyone says, volleyball is not a girl sport. Anyone can be a volleyball if they have the ability.

    Good luck to you in whichever sport you chose! :)

  5. wow, id go for men's volleyball, thats something you dont see everyday here, thats pretty sweet.

  6. tennis!!!  my favorite sport to play :)  more colleges give out tennis scholarships than volleyball, anyway

  7. pick volleyball, as volleyball is cool and fun to play.   :)

  8. make a pros and cons list see which one has more.

    if u still can't decide, than do school tennis and volleyball in winter or something?

    hope it helped:p

  9. pick the one that you are better at, the one that you could possibly get a scholarship off of!!!!!!! if your pretty fast, then try tennis. if your not, then try volleyball! it's thats simple!!! but if i were you and i were that tall, then i'd go for volleyball!!!


  10. hi. wow! im also a freshman in high school and im ont he volley ball and tennis team XD. well anyway, you can always try one sport this year and the other the next. for me the two sports are different times, it was vball in the fall and tennis in the spring. a lot eaiser to my say. but play both.

  11. totally volleyball it is the best sport ever trust me volleyball!!

  12. volleyball all the way even if you suck they can make you into a player cuyz of your height

  13. My siste rplayed volley ball - through highschool and has played for University of Pittsburgh the past 4 years as a starter. Shes only like 5'6 and got her school for basically nothing. Tons of sport scholarships. Now she is coaching volleyball for highschool (partime- still a senior at pitt) and makes 1,000 a month for doing it partime. Volleyball has definitley taken her farther than any of my family would have expected.

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