
Should i play tennis in high school?

by Guest64928  |  earlier

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I decided i am going to try out for freshman tennis in the fall, but i have never really played a real game of it before. Is it a good sport to get into?




  1. It a great game if you enjoy playing it. If i were you I'd start training and maybe call up a friend to play with you over the summer. But if you wanna really improve and get in varsity, freshman year then your gonna want a private coach. $45 an hour but its worth it. Good luck.

  2. Sure thing buddy.

    Go ahead & try it, it's fun & easy. So get hold of the stuffs & start right away bro

    Tennis is so addictive & so challenging every game ya play

  3. Absolutely! (:

    I'm going to try out for tennis in my freshman year too

    But on the other hand, I've been playing for quite awhile

    You should practice in the summer though, and if you still like it by the time school starts, go for it.

  4. its always good to try something new so even if you havent tried it at all you can still try out and play it next fall. although before you try out you have to practice a little to know how to play the sport or else you wont make the team. i know that if you want to try a different sport then go for it and follow your dreams, try something new and different then what you have ever done before and if it doesnt work out then go out for something else and keep moving on till you find something you really love and want to stick with. i know the same thing happened with me, i wanted to try playing volleyball but i knew i wasnt really good at it and hadnt really played it much before, so i practiced and practiced and now im going to try out for it this coming fall. i hope i gave you some good advice and helped you out. good luck and remember follow your dreams and never give up. =]]

  5. Don't play tennis dude.  High school is all about peer pressure and the need to be "cool."  You can't play tennis and be "cool."  The only way to be "cool" and play tennis is to dress like a soccer player, wear a bandana, sport oakley sunglasses (get the neon mirror lenses), say the "F" word after you make a bad shot.  Taunt your opponents with bodily harm for aceing you with a second serve, and oh yea sleep with every girl on the girls tennis team.  If you do all these things, you will be "cool" and you can play tennis.  The point is, in High School, you've got to be somebody.  Be the bad boy of the tennis team and you will be "cool" like the football and basketball players.  You might even be able to bag some cheerleaders, then you'll be legendary.

    Good Luck "cool" guy

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