
Should i play volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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okay, i lovee volleyball,

but the only time i play is in GYM when we have it, and it is not that professional because im in 8th grade and well they don't get to serious about it,

most of my friends play volleyball.

i think i would be good, but mainly at serving,

i really want to try out for the 9th grade team, should i??

or do you have any other suggestions of how to help me get better?




  1. Ok, I played 8th grade volleyball when I was in 7th grade. It was a great experience for me, but I didn't enjoy it all that much. There are many rules and you get very sore and bruised on your arms. It teaches you how to really play volleyball. Now, whenever we play volleyball in P.E., I know how to play it, and I am an expert. If you want experience and practice for volleyball, just make the team and you'll get it. Of course whenever I tried out, I sucked, but they usually take you anyway. That's what my coach did. She took everyone- even the unexperienced, like me. I didn't even know a thing, but they usually take you. I sat the bench most of the time- we had 25 players! So do want you want- but it is hard if you're a beginner! But in the next year, you get to play more on the court, and you will be much better! Hope this helped you some!

  2. Totally! If you love the sport and are willing to work hard at it, try out! Just make sure you arent doing it just because of peer pressure, and don't take it too seriously or even worse, too lightly. Have fun with it, practice, and do your best.

  3. go for it! if it's something you want to do then do it! volleyball is awesome!

  4. When I decided to play volleyball in 7th grade, I had never played before, except in gym.

    You don't have anything to lose, and serving is one of the most important parts. If your friends play, they can probably help you out too.

  5. you should definatly play volleyball! i'm a volleyball palyer, and its a lot of fun.. volleyball is a competative sport and if you i anyways like it then you should play it... its pretty easy as long as you practice a little bit.. its also a good thing to play if you get mad at something or someone becuase you can hit the ball as hard as you can! so try it out and see if you like it! i know you will because volleyball is sooo much fun!

  6. yeah go for it i had the same problem i did not think that i would make it..... my friend told me that just try it because it makes me feel better and because i like the sport. well i did and it is completly the opposite of middle school is way more disiplined. nd dont worry about it all you have to do is have confedence in yourself and you would do great in tryouts

  7. You should totally go for it! I've played for 5 years and still love it!

  8. go for it volleyball rocks!

  9. go for it! try your hardest.

    if you really like it then go out for it.

    just really listen to the coaches suggestions. i've been playing for four years and they really know what they're doing =]

  10. My cousin is a varsity player and I asked her this question to. No not for me. One of my X's asked me the same question and I gave her this answer. GO for it You have nothing to loose. an if it turns out you suck just play it of and have fun.

  11. you should totally try out

    I'm in a team and it is awesome.

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