
Should i pour water on my ipod since theres already residues of salt inside ?

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The other day I dropped my ipod in salt water and now it's not working. I dried it out already, but the salt is still inside.

I'm having trouble opening it so that I can clean the inside.

So i'm thinking of pouring water on my ipod and hoping that the salt would go away ?




  1. You can do that but the end result is still the same.  It won't work....  

    Your best option is to take it to a professional to clean it.  If you have salt crystal inside, your only option for saving it is completely cleaning it out.  That means you will have to soak it completely few times and get all the water out as quickly as you can, without leaving any salt contianing water inside.  Otherwise, you will be at square one again.

    If this is your last ditch effort, and you have decided NOT to go with professional repair, then find a way to take it apart, then clean the inside by carefully and dry completely before re-assembling them.  Trying to do this without opening will likely end up in wasted effort...

  2. no id put it in to get fixed by a pro

  3. Sorry to say but your Ipod is history. Salt water is highly conductive (actually all water is but salt makes it worse)  If the inside got wet then everything shorted out. You can send it to a pro if you want but you'll just be wasting your money. Coincidentally a friend of mine dropped hers in the toilet and tried to have it fixed and it to was history.

  4. The salt water has already ruined your ipod the salt corodes your internal workings ,So it really couldnt hurt it ,but it sure wont help it either.

    Sorry that happened to you .

    Living in Florida I see alot of things coroding just because of the salty air.

    Well maybe you can upgrade now.

    Good news for you I hope is that you have all your songs on a PC or laptop.

    Good luck Froggy

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